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Vals using lodash-es

Description from the NPM package:
Lodash exported as ES modules.
summerboys avatar
SSR React Mini & SQLite Todo App This Todo App is server rendered and client-hydrated React. This architecture is a lightweight alternative to NextJS, RemixJS, or other React metaframeworks with no compile or build step. The data is saved server-side in Val Town SQLite . SSR React Mini Framework This "framework" is currently 44 lines of code, so it's obviously not a true replacement for NextJS or Remix. The trick is client-side importing the React component that you're server rendering . Val Town is uniquely suited for this trick because it both runs your code server-side and exposes vals as modules importable by the browser. The tricky part is making sure that server-only code doesn't run on the client and vice-versa. For example, because this val colocates the server-side loader and action with the React component we have to be careful to do all server-only imports (ie sqlite) dynamically inside the loader and action , so they only run server-side.
pomdtr avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by pomdtr
simonzhangs avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by simonzhangs
mjweaver01 avatar
SSR React Mini & SQLite Todo App This Todo App is server rendered and client-hydrated React. This architecture is a lightweight alternative to NextJS, RemixJS, or other React metaframeworks with no compile or build step. The data is saved server-side in Val Town SQLite . SSR React Mini Framework This "framework" is currently 44 lines of code, so it's obviously not a true replacement for NextJS or Remix. The trick is client-side importing the React component that you're server rendering . Val Town is uniquely suited for this trick because it both runs your code server-side and exposes vals as modules importable by the browser. The tricky part is making sure that server-only code doesn't run on the client and vice-versa. For example, because this val colocates the server-side loader and action with the React component we have to be careful to do all server-only imports (ie sqlite) dynamically inside the loader and action , so they only run server-side.
parkerdavis avatar
Password Auth Middleware Protect your vals behind a password. Use session cookies to persist authentication. Demo See @pomdtr/password_auth_test Usage If you want to use an api token to authenticate: import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }); Or if you prefer to use a string: import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }, { password: Deno.env.get("VAL_PASSWORD") }); You can also set multiple ones import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }, { password: [Deno.env.get("VAL_PASSWORD"), Deno.env.get("STEVE_PASSWORD")] }); Note that authenticating using your api token remain an option even after setting a password. TODO [x] allow to authenticate using a val town token [ ] add a way to send an email to ask a password from the val owner [ ] automatically extend the session [ ] automatically remove expired sessions FAQ How to sign out ? Navigate to <your-site>/signout .
pomdtr avatar
Email Auth for Val Town ⚠️ Require a pro account (needed to send email to users) Usage Create an http server, and wrap it in the emailAuth middleware. import { emailAuth } from "" export default emailAuth((req, ctx) => { return new Response(`your mail is ${}`); }); When an user access the val, he will need to input his mail, then confirm it through a confirmation code. You can limit how can access your vals through an allowList: import { emailAuth } from "" export default emailAuth((req, ctx) => { return new Response(`your mail is ${}`); }, { allowList: [""] }); If someone tries to access your val but is not in the allowlist, he will be blocked. If you want to allow user to request for access, you can mix allowList with allowSignup : import { emailAuth } from "" export default emailAuth((req, ctx) => { return new Response(`your mail is ${}`); }, { allowList: [""], allowSignup: true }); Each time a new user not present in the allowList try to login to a val, you will receive an email containing: the email of the user trying to log in the name of the val the he want to access You can then just add the user to your whitelist to allow him in (and the user will not need to confirm his email again) ! Tips If you don't want to put your email in clear text, you can just use an env variable: import { emailAuth } from "" export default emailAuth((req, ctx) => { return new Response(`your mail is ${}`); }, { allowList: [Deno.env.get("email")] }); Or just setup a forward val (see @pomdtr/inbox): import { emailAuth } from "" export default emailAuth((req, ctx) => { return new Response(`your mail is ${}`); }, { allowList: [""] }); TODO [ ] Add expiration for verification codes and session tokens [ ] use links instead of code for verification [ ] improve errors pages
stevekrouse avatar
Password Auth Middleware Protect your vals behind a password. Use session cookies to persist authentication. Demo See @pomdtr/password_auth_test Usage If you want to use an api token to authenticate: import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }); Or if you prefer to use a string: import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }, { password: Deno.env.get("MY_PASSWORD") }); Or if you want to share your val with someone without sharing your main password, you can set multiple ones import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }, { password: [Deno.env.get("MY_PASSWORD"), Deno.env.get("STEVE_PASSWORD")] }); Note that authenticating using your api token is always an option. TODO [x] allow to authenticate using a val town token [ ] add a way to send an email to ask a password from the val owner [ ] automatically extend the session [ ] automatically remove expired sessions FAQ How to sign out ? Navigate to <your-site>/signout .
pomdtr avatar
Password Auth Middleware Protect your vals behind a password. Use session cookies to persist authentication. Demo See @pomdtr/password_auth_test Usage If you want to use an api token to authenticate: import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }); Or if you prefer to use a string: import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }, { password: Deno.env.get("VAL_PASSWORD") }); You can also set multiple ones import { passwordAuth } from ""; export default passwordAuth(() => { return new Response("OK"); }, { password: [Deno.env.get("VAL_PASSWORD"), Deno.env.get("STEVE_PASSWORD")] }); Note that authenticating using your api token remain an option even after setting a password. TODO [x] allow to authenticate using a val town token [ ] add a way to send an email to ask a password from the val owner [ ] automatically extend the session [ ] automatically remove expired sessions FAQ How to sign out ? Navigate to <your-site>/signout .
pomdtr avatar
Lucia Adapter for Usage import { ValTownAdapter } from ""; import { Lucia } from "npm:lucia@3.0.1"; const adapter = new ValTownAdapter({ user: "user", session: "session", }); const lucia = new Lucia(adapter)
pomdtr avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by pomdtr
stevekrouse avatar
@jsxImportSource npm:hono@3/jsx
pomdtr avatar
SQL Template Tag Port of blakeembrey/sql-template-tag for usage in Usage import { sqlite } from "" import { sql, zip } from "" const query = sql`SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = ${author}`; console.log(query.sql) // => "SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = ?" console.log(query.args) // => [author] const res = await sqlite.execute(query) console.table(zip(res)) For advanced usage (ex: nesting queries), refer to the project readme .
stevekrouse avatar
// let docs = await getDocs();
nbbaier avatar
// @title Day 4 solutions
bluemsn avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by bluemsn