Discord API examples & templates
Use these vals as a playground to view and fork Discord API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at
Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their
ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with
frontend and backend. It contains a simple web page which allows users to enter a "System Message" and
a "User Message" in order to be sent to a preconfigured server. That server then
runs a chat completion and returns the computed "Assistant Message" back to the
client where the result is presented to the user. This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_aichatcompletionservice.web.val.run/ which contains the server part (aka "backend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.