
Free always. Pro when you need it.


  • Wall clock time / run 1
    1 min
  • CPU time / run 1
    5 ms
  • runs / minute 1
  • HTTP calls / run 1
  • Log retention
    3 days
  • Total storage 2
    10 mb
  • How often scheduled vals can run 1
    15 min
  • Private vals
  • Public vals
We appreciate your patience as we iterate on our pricing. It is designed around what we can confidently support today and in the near future. We honestly don’t know what we will be able to provide at scale — certain limitations might increase while others decrease. It depends on what kind of usage patterns we see, how much abuse we have to fight, and what efficiencies we can win. If you would like to inquire about additional features and custom pricing please email


  1. A “run” is any evaluation of code on Val Town. It can be triggered in the app, on a schedule, or via API. These limitations only apply to runs on your account, and do not include when others use your vals as libraries. It does count when others hit your API.
  2. Total storage represents your storage usage across the whole platform, including all versions of vals and their associated tracing.