Github API examples & templates
Use these vals as a playground to view and fork Github API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.

Val Town Search Search for vals using the Github API. Either use the provided UI, or the query param: How does it work ? I've wrote about it! Todos [x] Embed the results in the UI [x] Refresh the vals on a cron using a github action [ ] Improve layout on small screens [ ] Support json Accept header [ ] Add pagination params [ ] Allow to filter by authors
Convert Emails to Blog Drafts This val will receive inbound emails and create a new Markdown file in a specified GitHub repository. Create drafts for your static site (or, for the bold, publish directly!) by simply sending an email! Notes This script assumes you're using some kind of static site generator that can read from a GitHub repository. There are many to choose from in this space. I'm partial to 11ty Gmail is doing some heavy-lifting for me here in terms of kindly converting my HTML email to Markdown behind the scenes. It's not a guarantee all email providers do this. If yours does not, you may have to investigate an HTML-to-Markdown conversion step. We'll use the GitHub API via Octokit to create the file. You'll need to create a token and store it an an environmental variable in your Val Town settings. Enjoy! — George