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Github API examples & templates

Use these vals as a playground to view and fork Github API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
avkv avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from maxm/staticChess
compuives avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from maxm/staticChess
sharanbabu avatar
* This val creates a text summarization comparison tool using the Cerebras LLM API. * It provides a text area with default text, a summarize button, and displays two different summarization results: * 1. Direct summarization * 2. Extractive summarization followed by cohesive rewriting * * The server handles API calls to Cerebras, while the client manages the UI and user interactions.
vhugoobject avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from stevekrouse/linkInBioTemplate
maxm avatar
Check it out here: Plain, brutalist, no bloat chess. Every page is only html and css. Every chess move is made by clicking a link. Send a link to your friend and they'll send you one back to make your move. No silly animations or slick interactivity to trip up your gameplay. When Google indexes this site will we successfully compute all possible chess moves? Functionality is quite limited, and things might be broken. Please let me know if you find bugs! Inspired by this HN discussion about sites that have all possible game states of tic-tac-toe. I plan on extending this to support real gameplay. I think it could be a nice simple interface for long form games with friends. Might also be fun to add a static AI to play against. Feel free to PR any changes if you'd like to see something added.
arrudaricardo avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by arrudaricardo
maxm avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
ASCII NYC Traffic Cameras All of NYC's traffic cameras available as streaming ASCII images: NYC has a bunch of traffic cameras and makes them available through static images like this one . If you refresh the page you'll see the image update every 2 seconds or so. I thought it might be fun to make these cameras viewable as an ASCII art video feed. I made a small library that takes most of its logic from this repo . You can see a basic example of how to convert any image to ASCII here . I pull in NYC GeoJSON from here and then hook up a Server-Sent Events endpoint to stream the ASCII updates to the browser. (Polling would work just as well, I've just been on a bit of a SSE kick lately.) Hilariously (and expectedly) The ASCII representation is about 4x the size of the the source jpeg and harder to see, but it has a retro-nostalgia look to it that is cool to me :)
morsczx avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from stevekrouse/linkInBioTemplate
susl avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from stevekrouse/linkInBioTemplate
stevekrouse avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by stevekrouse
iamseeley avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by iamseeley
tmcw avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from maxm/staticChess
ttodosi avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from stevekrouse/linkInBioTemplate
stevekrouse avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from muhammad_owais_warsi/shySapphireLeopard
saezheneia avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from stevekrouse/linkInBioTemplate
tambre avatar
Polls the Vulkan specification repository for specification updates. If found, sends an email and makes a post on /r/vulkan.