US Congress Stock Trading API examples & templates
Use these vals as a playground to view and fork US Congress Stock Trading API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
My Val Town Wish List Some things I'd love to see come to val town (some of these are already on the way according to the team) [x] Editing a val's readme through the API [x] A command bar (something like paco's cmdk would be dope ) [ ] The ability or programmatically respond to events (like a val being run) right within Val Town [ ] User defined templates usable right in the val creation flow [ ] Public folders / ability to add readmes to folders [ ] Dynamic folders (ala Tana's search nodes ) [ ] Custom val metadata (such as tags) [ ] A more fully featured markdown editor for readmes
Detect New Website Contents This val fetches a given publicly-accessible URL and detects whether its contents have changed. If they have, it sends an email to notify about the change. Changes are detected by computing a quick hash of the website's contents, storing the hash, and comparing against the previously stored hash on each request. Trivial changes to the website's contents will count as a change, which may not be desired for some use cases. Usage Fork this val and update the URL to point to your website. Optionally, update the storage key or email subject. Set a schedule for how often you want to detect changes (default 1h). Receive updates when the given website changes.
Creative Upscaler link to val - Usage const upscaledImage = @fal.creative_upscaler("an owl", "") Usage import fal from "npm:@fal-ai/serverless-client";
const result = await fal.subscribe("fal-ai/creative-upscaler", {
input: {
prompt: "an owl",
image_url: "",
logs: true,
onQueueUpdate: (update) => {
if (update.status === "IN_PROGRESS") { => log.message).forEach(console.log);
Dub Mux Videos using Sieve This Val exposes an HTTP endpoint that takes a Mux Asset ID and a list of languages, creates dubbed versions of the audio tracks using Sieve , then adds those dubbed audio tracks back to the Mux asset as new audio tracks. Usage: Required environment variables: Sieve API token ( SIEVE_API_KEY ) Mux Access token details ( MUX_TOKEN_ID , MUX_TOKEN_SECRET )
This endpoint requires an existing Mux asset that's ready with an audio-only static rendition associated with it. You can run this val to create a new one for testing. Make a POST request to the Val's endpoint with the following body, replacing the values with your own asset ID and the list of languages you want to create. {
"asset_id": "00OZ8VnQ01wDNQDdI8Qw3kf01FkGTtkMq2CW901ltq64Jyc",
"languages": ["es", "fr", "nl"]
} Limitations This is just a demo, so it's obviously not battle hardened. The biggest issue is that it does this whole process synchronously, so if the Sieve dubbing process takes longer than the Val's timeout, you're hosed.