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US Congress Stock Trading API examples & templates

Use these vals as a playground to view and fork US Congress Stock Trading API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
rozek avatar
This is a simple generator for PBKDF2 password hashes. It can be used to manually generate these hashes and store it in a password file if no other mechanism for doing so is available. There is no specific required format for the password. For the number of iterations, values from 100000 up to 999999 are accepted - in these days, values of 600000 or higher are recommended. The final output has the format "{PBKDF2}<iterations>$<salt>$<hash>" where salt and hash are Base64-encoded. You may copy it directly or use salt and hash separately if you need a different format. The applet uses WebCrypto and runs entirely within the browser.
hiteshjoshi avatar
Forked from mattx/gsheet_call
michaelfromyeg avatar
Notion2Wallabag Intended to be run with Notion's webhooks. When fired, tries to save a Notion database item with a "Link" property to a Wallabag instance. Cannot be re-used for other workspaces, since it requires various Wallabag secrets and a Notion-specific token. Feel free to fork!
timlin avatar
Forked from stevekrouse/docFeedbackForm
taufiq avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by taufiq
martinbowling avatar
Forked from simplescraper/aiEmailAssistant
mvmattgray avatar
// This approach uses HTML for the form and Blob storage for persistence.
xkonti avatar
Implementation of Redis-like cache - a key-value store with expiring keys. Data is stored in the Val Town SQLite database and shared between all your vals. Setup First you should decide on a name of a SQL table that will be used for storing cache data. It could something like cacheData or kv . Set that value to a new Environment Variable CACHE_TABLE_NAME . Optionally you might add a new CACHE_DEFAULT_TTL Environment Variable. It's value should be set to a number of seconds that will be used when saving new values to the cache without providing the expiration time. By default it's 24h. The setup() function should be ran before using the cache for the first time. You can do that by creating a small temporary Val: import { setup } from ""; await setup(); Optionally create a scheduled val that will delete expired keys on some interval - 15 minutes can be a good start. import { deleteExpired } from ""; export default async function cacheCleaner(interval: Interval) { await deleteExpired(); } Usage After setting your cache up you can use it simply by importing functions from . set(key, value, ttl): Promise Set a value in the cache. key - the key to set the value for value - the value to set - it can be any value that can be serialized to JSON ttl - the time to live in seconds. In other words, after how many seconds the key will expire. If not set, the default TTL is used. returns the number of keys set: 1 if the key was inserted/updated, 0 if the ttl was 0 or invalid // Set a value in the cache with a default TTL await set("luckyNumber", 13); // Set a value that will expire in 5 minutes await set("product:344798", { name: "Audio Interface", price: 209.99}, 5 * 60); setUntil(key, value, expiresAt): Promise Set a value in the cache until a specific date and time. key - the key to set the value for value - the value to set - it can be any value that can be serialized to JSON expiresAt - the expiration time as a UTC date string returns the number of keys set: 1 if the key was inserted/updated, 0 if the `expiresAt`` was in the past // Set a value in the cache until 2024-01-01 16:23:05 UTC await setUntil( "product:155392", { name: "Audio Interface", price: 209.99 }, new Date('2024-01-01T16:23:05Z').toISOString() ); setExpiration(key, ttl): Promise Update the expiration date of a cache entry based on TTL. If the key does not exist or is expired, nothing happens. key - the key of the cache entry to update ttl - the time to live in seconds from now. In other words, after how many seconds the key will expire. If not set, the default TTL is used. returns the number of keys updated: 1 if updated, 0 if not found or ttl was 0 // Set the expiration date in the cache with a default TTL await setExpiration("luckyNumber"); // Set the expiration date in the cache for 5 minutes from now. await setExpiration("luckyNumber", 5 * 60); setExpirationUntil(key, expiresAt): Promise Update the expiration date of a cache entry to a specific UTC date and time. If the key does not exist or is expired, nothing happens. key - the key of the cache entry to update expiresAt - the expiration time as a UTC date string returns the number of keys updated: 1 if updated, 0 if not found or expiresAt was in the past // Set the expiration date in the cache until 2024-01-01 16:23:05 UTC await setExpirationUntil( "product:155392", new Date('2024-01-01T16:23:05Z').toISOString() ); exists(key): Promise Checks if the provided key exists (has value) in the cache. If the key is expired, it's considered non-existent. key - the key to check for existence // Check if the key is present in the cache const hasLuckyNumber: Boolean = await exists("luckyNumber"); get (key): Promise<T | null> Get a value from the cache by key. You can provide a type of the return value or it will default to unknown . If there is no value for the key or the value has expired, null is returned. key - the key to get the value for // Get a value from the cache const luckyNumber: number = await get<number>("luckyNumber"); const luckyNumber: number = await get("luckyNumber") as number; // same as above listKeys(prefix): Promise<string[]> Gets a list of all non-expired keys in the cache that match the prefix. If no prefix is provided, all keys are returned. prefix - the optional prefix to match keys against // Get all keys from the cache const keys: string[] = await listKeys(); // Get all keys from the cache that start with "product:" const keys: string[] = await listKeys("product:"); getMany (prefix, limit): Promise<Array<{ key: string, value: T }>> Get many key-value pairs from the cache that match the given prefix. prefix - the optional prefix to match keys against. If not provided, all keys are considered. limit - the optional maximum number of key-value pairs to return. If 0 , no limit is applied. Defaults to 0 . returns An array of key-value pairs. Each pair is an object with key and value properties. // Get all non-expired keys and their values const everything = await getMany(); // Get all keys and values with a matching prefix const allProducts = await getMany("product:"); // Get 5 keys and values with a matching prefix const discountedProducts = await getMany("discounts:", 5); deleteKey(key): Promise Delete a key from the cache. key - the key to delete returns the number of keys deleted: 1 if the key was deleted, 0 if the key did not exist. // Delete a key from the cache await deleteKey("luckyNumber"); deleteKeys(prefix): Promise Delete all keys from the cache that match the prefix. If no prefix is provided, all keys in the cache are deleted. prefix - the optional prefix to match keys against returns the number of keys deleted // Delete all keys from the cache await deleteKeys(); // Delete all keys from the cache that start with "product:" await deleteKeys("product:"); deleteExpired(): Promise Delete all expired keys from the cache. Perfect for running on a schedule to keep the cache small and fast. returns the number of keys deleted // Delete all expired keys from the cache await deleteExpired();
rlesser avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by rlesser
kaleidawave avatar
For the future playground for the Ezno type checker: Can save an id for a content and recall content from an id (thus acting as a sort of compressor) Inspired by how the shares playgrounds. (However uses a SQL-lite db hosted by Valtown rather than GitHub gists)
vladimyr avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vladimyr
dotim avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by dotim
stevekrouse avatar
Forked from pomdtr/password_auth
stevekrouse avatar
Forked from maxm/robPikeIO
neverstew avatar
This Val URL Returns the URL of the val that calls this function. See
stevekrouse avatar
DM Me! Ever wanted to message someone about their val but you couldn't find their contact info? Want to allow folks on Val Town to contact you without exposing your email address? Boy do I have the over-engineered solution for you! This is a userspace, authenticated protocol for Val Town direct messages. Protocol Expose a dm function on your namespace that that accepts messages and some authentication data (described below). The easiest way to accomplish this is to fork this val. What you choose to do with direct messages is totally up to you. At the moment, I email myself your message and save it to a private array val. You could forward it along to yourself some other way, batch up messages to get a daily summary email if you're Mr. Popular, or send them to /dev/null if you're Mr. Antisocial. Authentication This protocol uses my Val Town public key auth scheme , so you'll need to follow the first two steps of that blog post – (1) generate a keypair and (2) publish your public key – to authenticate to this function. Usage You can call this function via the @stevekrouse.runValAPIAuth helper: @stevekrouse.runValAPIAuth({ val: "", args: ["hi steve!"], keys: @me.exportedKeys, }); Example: