US Congress Stock Trading API examples & templates
Use these vals as a playground to view and fork US Congress Stock Trading API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
Here are some tests for val Authorization_from_EnvVar Test Cases Positive Test Cases Valid token with defined environment variable EnvVarName: "VALID_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "secret123" Authorization header: "Bearer secret123" Mode: "forbid-if-not-defined" Expected result: true Valid token with allow-if-not-defined mode EnvVarName: "VALID_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "secret123" Authorization header: "Bearer secret123" Mode: "allow-if-not-defined" Expected result: true Valid token with missing mode (default behavior) EnvVarName: "VALID_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "secret123" Authorization header: "Bearer secret123" Mode: undefined Expected result: true Negative Test Cases Invalid token EnvVarName: "VALID_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "secret123" Authorization header: "Bearer wrongtoken" Mode: "forbid-if-not-defined" Expected result: false No Authorization header EnvVarName: "VALID_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "secret123" Authorization header: undefined Mode: "forbid-if-not-defined" Expected result: false Environment variable not defined, forbid mode EnvVarName: "UNDEFINED_TOKEN" Environment variable value: undefined Authorization header: "Bearer anytoken" Mode: "forbid-if-not-defined" Expected result: false Environment variable not defined, allow mode EnvVarName: "UNDEFINED_TOKEN" Environment variable value: undefined Authorization header: "Bearer anytoken" Mode: "allow-if-not-defined" Expected result: true Error Cases Invalid environment variable name EnvVarName: "1INVALID" Environment variable value: "secret123" Authorization header: "Bearer secret123" Mode: "forbid-if-not-defined" Expected result: Error thrown Invalid Mode EnvVarName: "VALID_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "secret123" Authorization header: "Bearer secret123" Mode: "invalid-mode" Expected result: Error thrown Edge Cases Empty string as token EnvVarName: "EMPTY_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "" Authorization header: "Bearer " Mode: "forbid-if-not-defined" Expected result: true Case-sensitive token comparison EnvVarName: "CASE_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "Secret123" Authorization header: "Bearer secret123" Mode: "forbid-if-not-defined" Expected result: false Non-Bearer authorization type EnvVarName: "VALID_TOKEN" Environment variable value: "secret123" Authorization header: "Basic secret123" Mode: "forbid-if-not-defined" Expected result: false