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Vals using @types/openai

onixoni avatar
OpenAI ChatGPT helper function This val uses your OpenAI token if you have one, and the @std/openai if not, so it provides limited OpenAI usage for free. import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat("Hello, GPT!"); console.log(content); import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat( [ { role: "system", content: "You are Alan Kay" }, { role: "user", content: "What is the real computer revolution?"} ], { max_tokens: 50, model: "gpt-4" } ); console.log(content);
mxis avatar
OpenAI ChatGPT helper function This val uses your OpenAI token if you have one, and the @std/openai if not, so it provides limited OpenAI usage for free. import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat("Hello, GPT!"); console.log(content); import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat( [ { role: "system", content: "You are Alan Kay" }, { role: "user", content: "What is the real computer revolution?"} ], { max_tokens: 50, model: "gpt-4" } ); console.log(content);
weaverwhale avatar
OpenAI ChatGPT helper function This val uses your OpenAI token if you have one, and the @std/openai if not, so it provides limited OpenAI usage for free. import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat("Hello, GPT!"); console.log(content); import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat( [ { role: "system", content: "You are Alan Kay" }, { role: "user", content: "What is the real computer revolution?"} ], { max_tokens: 50, model: "gpt-4" } ); console.log(content);
vladimyr avatar
// Initialize the gpt function with the system message
nbbaier avatar
// a test comment for vt-backup
andreterron avatar
OpenAI ChatGPT helper function This val uses your OpenAI token if you have one, and the @std/openai if not, so it provides limited OpenAI usage for free. import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat("Hello, GPT!"); console.log(content); import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat( [ { role: "system", content: "You are Alan Kay" }, { role: "user", content: "What is the real computer revolution?"} ], { max_tokens: 50, model: "gpt-4" } ); console.log(content);
stevekrouse avatar
OpenAI ChatGPT helper function This val uses your OpenAI token if you have one, and the @std/openai if not, so it provides limited OpenAI usage for free. import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat("Hello, GPT!"); console.log(content); import { chat } from ""; const { content } = await chat( [ { role: "system", content: "You are Alan Kay" }, { role: "user", content: "What is the real computer revolution?"} ], { max_tokens: 50, model: "gpt-4o" } ); console.log(content);