Vals using effect
Description from the NPM package:
The missing standard library for TypeScript, for writing production-grade software.

Glide API 2.0 Effects and utility functions for working with Glide API 2.0. Authentication Set glide environment variable to authenticate. If using effect, you can also provide a layer constructed with Glide.layer . Examples Simplest case, use runIngest with an async fetch : import * as Glide from "";
await Glide.importTable({
table: "abc123-def456-ghi789",
getRows: async function*() {
// yield Row[] to add them to the stash
yield [{ Name: "David" }];
}); Load 20k pull requests: import * as Glide from "";
await Glide.importTable({
table: "abc123-def456-ghi789",
getRows: async function*() {
const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: "..." });
for await (
const { data: prs } of octokit.paginate.iterator(, {
owner: "glideapps",
repo: "glide",
state: "all"
) yield prs;