
Results include substring matches and semantically similar vals. Learn more
stevekrouse avatar
Fork it and authenticate with your Val Town API token as the password. Needs an OPENAI_API_KEY env var to be set, and change the variables under "Set these to your own".
HTTP (deprecated)
it and authenticate with your Val Town API token as the password. Needs an `OPENAI_API_KEY` env var to be set, and change th
carts avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by carts
HTTP (deprecated)
import { OpenAI } from "";
const prompt = "Tell me a dad joke. Format the response as JSON with 'setup' and 'punchline' keys.";
export default async function dailyDadJoke(req: Request): Response {
const openai = new OpenAI();
const resp = await{
messages: [
eyeseethru avatar
Uses instructor and open ai (with gpt-4-turbo) to process any content into a notion database entry. Use addToNotion with any database id and content. await addToNotion( "DB_ID_GOES_HERE", "CONTENT_GOES HERE"//"for example: $43.28 ordered malai kofta and kadhi (doordash) [me and mom] jan 3 2024" ); Prompts are created based on your database name, database description, property name, property type, property description, and if applicable, property options (and their descriptions). Supports: checkbox, date, multi_select, number, rich_text, select, status, title, url, email Uses NOTION_API_KEY , OPENAI_API_KEY stored in env variables and uses Valtown blob storage to store information about the database. Use get_notion_db_info to use the stored blob if exists or create one, use get_and_save_notion_db_info to create a new blob (and replace an existing one if exists).
Supports: checkbox, date, multi_select, number, rich_text, select, status, title, url, email
- Uses `NOTION_API_KEY`, `OPENAI_API_KEY` stored in env variables and uses [Valtown blob storage](
- Use `get_notion_db_info` to use the stored blob if exists or create one, use `get_and_save_notion_db_info` to create a new
import { Client } from "npm:@notionhq/client";
import OpenAI from "npm:openai";
import { z } from "npm:zod";
"email": "string_email",
const oai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY ?? undefined,
const client = Instructor({
weaverwhale avatar
GistGPT A helpful assistant who provides the gist of a gist How to use / and /gist - Default response is to explain this file. I believe this is effectively real-time recursion ? /gist?url={URL} - Provide a RAW file URL from Github, BitBucket, GitLab, Val Town, etc. and GistGPT will provide you the gist of the code. /about - "Tell me a little bit about yourself"
HTTP (deprecated)
import { Hono } from "npm:hono";
import { OpenAI } from "npm:openai";
const gistGPT = async (input: string, about?: boolean) => {
const chatInput = about ? input : await (await fetch(input)).text();
const openai = new OpenAI();
let chatCompletion = await{
messages: [
trantion avatar
VALL-E LLM code generation for vals! Make apps with a frontend, backend, and database. It's a bit of work to get this running, but it's worth it. Fork this val to your own profile. Make a folder for the temporary vals that get generated, take the ID from the URL, and put it in tempValsParentFolderId . If you want to use OpenAI models you need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY env var . If you want to use Anthropic models you need to set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY env var . Create a Val Town API token , open the browser preview of this val, and use the API token as the password to log in.
HTTP (deprecated)
* Make a folder for the temporary vals that get generated, take the ID from the URL, and put it in `tempValsParentFolderId`.
* If you want to use OpenAI models you need to set the `OPENAI_API_KEY` [env var](
* If you want to use Anthropic models you need to set the `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY` [env var](
willthereader avatar
ChatGPT Implemented in Val Town Demonstrated how to use assistants and threads with the OpenAI SDK and how to stream the response with Server-Sent Events
HTTP (deprecated)
# ChatGPT Implemented in Val Town
Demonstrated how to use assistants and threads with the OpenAI SDK and how to stream the response with Server-Sent Events
/** @jsxImportSource */
import OpenAI from "npm:openai";
import { renderToString } from "npm:react-dom/server";
const openai = new OpenAI();
import { Hono } from "npm:hono@3";
app.get("/", async (c) => {
const thread = await openai.beta.threads.create();
const assistant = await openai.beta.assistants.create({
name: "",
const message = c.req.query("message");
await openai.beta.threads.messages.create(
"data: " + JSON.stringify(str) + "\n\n",
const run =, {
assistant_id: assistantId,
heathergliffin avatar
* This app generates cute daily notes for a daughter using OpenAI's GPT model. * It stores the generated notes in SQLite for persistence and displays them on a simple web interface. * The app uses React for the frontend and Deno's runtime environment in Val Town for the backend.
* This app generates cute daily notes for a daughter using OpenAI's GPT model.
* It stores the generated notes in SQLite for persistence and displays them on a simple web interface.
async function server(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
const { OpenAI } = await import("");
const { sqlite } = await import("");
} else if (path === "/generate-note" && request.method === "POST") {
const openai = new OpenAI();
const completion = await{
messages: [
taras avatar
curl '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'authorization: Bearer THIS_IS_OVERRIDEN_ON_SERVER' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "model": "auto", "temperature": 0, "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": "stuff" }, { "role": "user", "content": "hello" } ], "stream": true }'
HTTP (deprecated)
url: "",
token: Deno.env.get("OPEN_ROUTER_API_KEY"),
url: "",
token: Deno.env.get("GROQ_API_KEY"),
// Create fetch promises for each API endpoint
if (provider === "groq") { = "";
url.pathname = url.pathname.replace("/api/v1", "/openai/v1");
url.port = "443";
url.protocol = "https";
junhoca avatar
Uses instructor and open ai (with gpt-4-turbo) to process any content into a notion database entry. Use addToNotion with any database id and content. await addToNotion( "DB_ID_GOES_HERE", "CONTENT_GOES HERE"//"for example: $43.28 ordered malai kofta and kadhi (doordash) [me and mom] jan 3 2024" ); Prompts are created based on your database name, database description, property name, property type, property description, and if applicable, property options (and their descriptions). Supports: checkbox, date, multi_select, number, rich_text, select, status, title, url, email Uses NOTION_API_KEY , OPENAI_API_KEY stored in env variables and uses Valtown blob storage to store information about the database. Use get_notion_db_info to use the stored blob if exists or create one, use get_and_save_notion_db_info to create a new blob (and replace an existing one if exists).
Supports: checkbox, date, multi_select, number, rich_text, select, status, title, url, email
- Uses `NOTION_API_KEY`, `OPENAI_API_KEY` stored in env variables and uses [Valtown blob storage](
- Use `get_notion_db_info` to use the stored blob if exists or create one, use `get_and_save_notion_db_info` to create a new
import { Client } from "npm:@notionhq/client";
import OpenAI from "npm:openai";
import { z } from "npm:zod";
"email": "string_email",
const oai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY ?? undefined,
const client = Instructor({
bluemsn avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by bluemsn
const builder = await getModelBuilder({
type: "chat",
provider: "openai",
const model = await builder();
const { SystemMessage, HumanMessage } = await import("npm:langchain/schema");
willthereader avatar
ChatGPT Implemented in Val Town Demonstrated how to use assistants and threads with the OpenAI SDK and how to stream the response with Server-Sent Events.
HTTP (deprecated)
# ChatGPT Implemented in Val Town
Demonstrated how to use assistants and threads with the OpenAI SDK and how to stream the response with Server-Sent Events.
<p align=center>
/** @jsxImportSource */
import { OpenAI } from "";
import { Hono } from "npm:hono@3";
import { renderToString } from "npm:react-dom/server";
const openai = new OpenAI();
const jsxResponse = (jsx) => {
try {
thread = await{
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", // Use a faster model
messages: [{ role: "system", content: "Start a new thread" }],
assistant = await{
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", // Use a faster model
try {
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", // Use a faster model
"data: " + JSON.stringify(str) + "\n\n",
const run ={
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", // Use a faster model
vandyand avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vandyand
export const rateArticleRelevance = async (interests: string, article: any) => {
const { default: OpenAI } = await import("npm:openai");
const openai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: untitled_tealCoral.OPENAI_API_KEY,
try {
Give a score from 0 to 10. Why did you give this score? Respond with the score only.
const response = await{
messages: [
trantion avatar
VALL-E LLM code generation for vals! Make apps with a frontend, backend, and database. It's a bit of work to get this running, but it's worth it. Fork this val to your own profile. Make a folder for the temporary vals that get generated, take the ID from the URL, and put it in tempValsParentFolderId . If you want to use OpenAI models you need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY env var . If you want to use Anthropic models you need to set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY env var . Create a Val Town API token , open the browser preview of this val, and use the API token as the password to log in.
HTTP (deprecated)
* Make a folder for the temporary vals that get generated, take the ID from the URL, and put it in `tempValsParentFolderId`.
* If you want to use OpenAI models you need to set the `OPENAI_API_KEY` [env var](
* If you want to use Anthropic models you need to set the `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY` [env var](
pdebieamzn avatar
// This calendar app will allow users to upload a PDF, extract events from it using OpenAI's GPT model,
// This calendar app will allow users to upload a PDF, extract events from it using OpenAI's GPT model,
// and display them on a big calendar. We'll use react-big-calendar for the calendar component,
async function server(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
const { OpenAI } = await import("");
const pdfExtractText = await import("");
const fullText = await pdfExtractText.default(arrayBuffer);
const openai = new OpenAI();
const completion = await{
messages: [
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error parsing OpenAI response:', error);
console.log('Raw response:', completion.choices[0].message.content);
if (!Array.isArray(events)) {
console.error('Unexpected response format from OpenAI');
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: 'Unexpected response format' }), { status: 500, headers: { 'Content-Type':
vtdocs avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vtdocs
HTTP (deprecated)
const cheerio = await import("npm:cheerio");
const html = await fetchText(
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
// Cheerio accepts a CSS selector, here we pick the second <p>