
Results include substring matches and semantically similar vals. Learn more
lho avatar
Fork this val to your own profile. Create a Val Town API token , open the browser preview of this val, and use the API token as the password to log in.
HTTP (deprecated)
import { verifyToken } from "";
import { openai } from "npm:@ai-sdk/openai";
import ValTown from "npm:@valtown/sdk";
const stream = await streamText({
model: openai("gpt-4o", {
baseURL: "",
apiKey: Deno.env.get("valtown"),
jahabeebs avatar
content-checker is designed to be a modern, open-source library for programmatic and AI content moderation. Currently content-checker supports image and text moderation. Thanks to LLMs in addition to detecting specific profane words, we can detect malicious intent in text. So, a user who tries to circumvent the AI profanity filter by using a variation of a profane word, or even just a malicious phrase without a specific word in the profanity list, will still be flagged. Image moderation is also supported, using the Inception V3 model of the NSFW JS library. Future features will include moderation tools (auto-ban, bots), more powerful models, and multimedia support for video and audio moderation. To get an API key for the AI endpoints sign up free at To install content-checker do npm install content-checker and check out the README:
HTTP (deprecated)
// checkManualProfanityList is optional and defaults to false; it checks for the words in lang.ts (if under 50 words) bef
checkManualProfanityList: false,
ults to "google-perspective-api" (Google's Perspective API); it can also be "openai" (OpenAI Moderation API) or "google-natur
provider: "google-perspective-api",
try {
movienerd avatar
* This program creates a movie recommendation system based on moods. * It uses OpenAI to generate movie recommendations based on the user's selected mood and feedback. * The program uses React for the frontend and handles state management for user interactions. * It uses the Val Town OpenAI proxy for backend API calls. * A "More moods" button has been added to dynamically expand the list of available moods.
* This program creates a movie recommendation system based on moods.
* It uses OpenAI to generate movie recommendations based on the user's selected mood and feedback.
* The program uses React for the frontend and handles state management for user interactions.
* It uses the Val Town OpenAI proxy for backend API calls.
* A "More moods" button has been added to dynamically expand the list of available moods.
if (url.pathname === "/recommend" && request.method === "POST") {
const { OpenAI } = await import("");
const openai = new OpenAI();
try {
prompt += ` Recommend a different movie for when they're feeling ${mood}.`;
const completion = await{
messages: [
if (url.pathname === "/more-moods" && request.method === "GET") {
const { OpenAI } = await import("");
const openai = new OpenAI();
try {
const completion = await{
messages: [
webup avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by webup
const builder = await getMemoryBuilder({
type: "vector",
provider: "openai",
const memory = await builder();
await memory.saveContext({ input: "My favorite sport is soccer" }, {
wlxiaozhzh avatar
Fork this val to your own profile. Create a Val Town API token , open the browser preview of this val, and use the API token as the password to log in.
HTTP (deprecated)
import { verifyToken } from "";
import { openai } from "npm:@ai-sdk/openai";
import ValTown from "npm:@valtown/sdk";
const stream = await streamText({
model: openai("gpt-4o", {
baseURL: "",
apiKey: Deno.env.get("valtown"),
stevekrouse avatar
content-checker is designed to be a modern, open-source library for programmatic and AI content moderation. Currently content-checker supports image and text moderation. Thanks to LLMs in addition to detecting specific profane words, we can detect malicious intent in text. So, a user who tries to circumvent the AI profanity filter by using a variation of a profane word, or even just a malicious phrase without a specific word in the profanity list, will still be flagged. Image moderation is also supported, using the Inception V3 model of the NSFW JS library. Future features will include moderation tools (auto-ban, bots), more powerful models, and multimedia support for video and audio moderation. To get an API key for the AI endpoints sign up free at To install content-checker do npm install content-checker and check out the README:
HTTP (deprecated)
// checkManualProfanityList is optional and defaults to false; it checks for the words in lang.ts (if under 50 words) bef
checkManualProfanityList: false,
ults to "google-perspective-api" (Google's Perspective API); it can also be "openai" (OpenAI Moderation API) or "google-natur
provider: "google-perspective-api",
try {
ejfox avatar
open "$(pbpaste | jq -sRr @uri)" to get a screenshottable code snippet
* and allows shuffling through random, animated gradients.
import { OpenAI } from "";
export default async function server(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
const language = url.searchParams.get("language") || "javascript";
// Generate title using OpenAI
const openai = new OpenAI();
const completion = await{
messages: [
stevekrouse avatar
[ ] streaming [ ] send the code of the valwriter back to gpt (only if it's related, might need some threads, maybe a custom gpt would be a better fix, of course, could do it as a proxy...) [ ] make it easy to send errors back to gpt [ ] make it easy to get screenshots of the output back to gpt
HTTP (deprecated)
import { fetchText } from "";
import { chat } from "";
import cronstrue from "npm:cronstrue";
await email({ subject: "Subject line", text: "Body of message" });
// OpenAI
import { OpenAI } from "";
const openai = new OpenAI();
const completion = await{
messages: [
janpaul123 avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
import _ from "npm:lodash@4";
import OpenAI from "npm:openai";
import { renderToString } from "npm:react-dom/server";
const contextWindow: any = await valleGetValsContextWindow(model);
const openai = new OpenAI();
const stream = await{
andreterron avatar
Use GPT to generate vals on your account! Describe the val that you need, call this function, and you'll get a new val on your workspace generated by OpenAI's API! First, ensure you have a Val Town API Token , then call @andreterron.createGeneratedVal({...}) like this example : @andreterron.createGeneratedVal({ valTownKey: @me.secrets.vt_token, description: "A val that given a text file position in `{line, col}` and the text contents, returns the index position", }); This will create a val in your workspace, and here's the one created by the example above:
# Use GPT to generate vals on your account!
Describe the val that you need, call this function, and you'll get a new val on your workspace generated by OpenAI's API!
First, ensure you have a [Val Town API Token](, then call `@andreterron.createGeneratedVal(
all avatar
* This val creates a website that generates optimized prompts for Val Town based on user input. * It uses the OpenAI API to generate prompts and incorporates a loading animation. * The generated prompt is tailored to Val Town's specific features and best practices.
* This val creates a website that generates optimized prompts for Val Town based on user input.
* It uses the OpenAI API to generate prompts and incorporates a loading animation.
* The generated prompt is tailored to Val Town's specific features and best practices.
"Email sending",
"OpenAI integration",
"React support",
if (url.pathname === "/generate" && request.method === "POST") {
const { OpenAI } = await import("");
const openai = new OpenAI();
try {
const { idea } = await request.json();
const completion = await{
messages: [
stevekrouse avatar
Auto-Upgrade for HTTP Preview This val is experimentally testing if we can use an LLM to determine if an old-style HTTP val needs to be upgraded for the new HTTP runtime, currently in preview. You can read more about the breaking change and upgrade proccess here: In some light testing, it seems like ChatGPT 3.5 and 4o both are bad at this task, so I'm pausing experimenting with this for now. Example output from 4o: [ { "name": "harlequinChickadee", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": true, "reason": "The current code structure has several functions and program logic outside the main handler, including word selection, game state management, and SVG generation. These parts would not re-run with the new runtime, potentially affecting functionality. They need to be moved inside the handler to ensure consistent behavior across requests." }, { "name": "redElephant", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": "100%", "reason": "The initialization of `fs` and `vscode` objects should occur \n inside the handler in the new runtime in order to ensure that they are \n freshly created for each request. This is critical since the new runtime \n does not rerun code outside of the handler for each request.." }, { "name": "untitled_indigoNightingale", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": false, "reason": "The code initializes and configures the Hono app outside of the handler, but it does not appear to have any stateful logic that would need to be re-calculated with each request. Each request will call the handler provided by Hono and should behave the same in the new runtime." }, { "name": "untitled_pinkRoundworm", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": true, "reason": "The functions `addComment` and `getComments` as well as the initialization \nof the KEY variable perform actions that are intended to be run per request. These need to be moved \ninside the relevant HTTP handler to ensure the behavior remains consistent in the new runtime." }, { "name": "untitled_harlequinIguana", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": false, "reason": "The provided code defines the handler directly without any side effects or additional code outside the handler. The behavior should remain the same in the new runtime." }, { "name": "untitled_moccasinHeron", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": false, "reason": "The code outside the handler is just a constant string declaration, which does not change behavior between requests. The handler itself handles requests correctly and independently." }, { "name": "untitled_maroonSwallow", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": false, "reason": "All the code, including the check for authentication,\n is inside the handler function. This means the behavior will stay \n the same with the new runtime." }, { "name": "wikiOG", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": true, "reason": "The function `getWikipediaInfo` defined outside of the handler makes network requests and processes data for each request. In the new runtime, this function would only be executed once and cached. To ensure the same behavior in the new runtime, this function should be moved into the handler." }, { "name": "parsePostBodyExample", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": false, "reason": "All the code is inside the handler, so the behavior will remain consistent in the new runtime." }, { "name": "discordEventReceiver", "probabilityUpgradeNeeded": false, "reason": "All the relevant code for handling requests and logging input is inside the handler.\n No code needs to be moved for the new runtime to function correctly." } ] Feel free to fork this and try it yourself! If you could get it working, it'd be a big help for us as we upgrade the thousands of HTTP vals. Future ideas: Better LLM (Claude 3.5) Better prompt More examples JSON mode having it reply with upgraded code send pull requests to users with public vals that probably need upgrading
import { db } from "";
import OpenAI from "npm:openai";
async function getVals(username, type, limit) {
async function checkHTTPPreviewUpgrade(code) {
const openai = new OpenAI();
const completion = await{
messages: [
movienerd avatar
* This program creates a movie recommendation system based on moods. * It uses OpenAI to generate movie recommendations based on the user's selected mood and feedback. * The program uses React for the frontend and handles state management for user interactions. * It uses the Val Town OpenAI proxy for backend API calls. * Movies are saved in SQLite to prevent recommending the same movie twice. * The SQLite schema version has been updated to fix the 404 error. * A dancing popcorn emoji has been added to the loading message. * The color scheme has been updated to a monochrome look with a modern style and a nice font. * The "More moods" button text has been changed to "Ask the AI for different moods". * The mood generation now keeps track of previously generated moods to avoid repetition. * A list of movies that have been liked, disliked, or not seen is displayed at the bottom of the page. * The JSON parsing has been made more robust to handle non-standard responses.
* This program creates a movie recommendation system based on moods.
* It uses OpenAI to generate movie recommendations based on the user's selected mood and feedback.
* The program uses React for the frontend and handles state management for user interactions.
* It uses the Val Town OpenAI proxy for backend API calls.
* Movies are saved in SQLite to prevent recommending the same movie twice.
if (url.pathname === "/recommend" && request.method === "POST") {
const { OpenAI } = await import("");
const openai = new OpenAI();
try {
prompt += ` Recommend a different movie for when they're feeling ${mood}.`;
const completion = await{
messages: [
if (url.pathname === "/more-moods" && request.method === "POST") {
const { OpenAI } = await import("");
const openai = new OpenAI();
try {
const { currentMoods } = await request.json();
const completion = await{
messages: [
trantion avatar
VALL-E LLM code generation for vals! Make apps with a frontend, backend, and database. It's a bit of work to get this running, but it's worth it. Fork this val to your own profile. Make a folder for the temporary vals that get generated, take the ID from the URL, and put it in tempValsParentFolderId . If you want to use OpenAI models you need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY env var . If you want to use Anthropic models you need to set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY env var . Create a Val Town API token , open the browser preview of this val, and use the API token as the password to log in.
HTTP (deprecated)
* Make a folder for the temporary vals that get generated, take the ID from the URL, and put it in `tempValsParentFolderId`.
* If you want to use OpenAI models you need to set the `OPENAI_API_KEY` [env var](
* If you want to use Anthropic models you need to set the `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY` [env var](
hootz avatar
Telegram DALLE Bot A personal telegram bot you can message to create images with OpenAI's DALLE ✨ Set up yours fork this val speak to telegram’s to create a bot and obtain a bot token set the bot token as a val town secret called telegramDalleBotToken add a random string as a val town secret called telegramDalleBotWebhookSecret set up your webhook with telegram like this: // paste and run this in your workspace on here @vtdocs.telegramSetWebhook(@me.secrets.telegramDalleBotToken, { url: /* your fork's express endpoint (click the three dots on a val) */, allowed_updates: ["message"], secret_token: @me.secrets.telegramDalleBotWebhookSecret, }); message your bot some prompts! (if you get stuck, you can refer to the telegram echo bot guide from
# Telegram DALLE Bot
A personal telegram bot you can message to create images with OpenAI's [DALLE]( ✨
![DALLE: A Macintosh II sitting on a desk, painted by Picasso in his blue period.](
const imageURL =
(await textToImageDalle(