
Results include substring matches and semantically similar vals. Learn more
g000m avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by g000m
export function arraysAreIdentical(arr1, arr2) {
if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) {
return false;
emarref avatar
Chainable middleware functions to simplify http requests.
Chainable middleware functions to simplify http requests.
fahimfoysal avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by fahimfoysal
import { email } from "";
export function pdfPreviewPluginInstalled(siteURL, checker) {
// Define the approved sites array
let approvedSites = ["2917bc58d0dcfe0b3febd40f2c7eebf2"];
postpostscript avatar
tests: @postpostscript/pathAsScopeTest
basePath?: string;
log?: boolean;
export function pathAsScope({ val = rootValRef(), basePath = "/", log = false }: PathAsScopeOptions = {}) {
const { handle, name } = val;
const valName = `@${handle}/${name}`;
error: "no valid scope found",
status: 403,
export function pathMatches(path: string, matchString: string) {
const pathParts = ("/" + path.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, "")).split("/");
const matchParts = ("/" + matchString.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, "")).split("/");
ImGqb avatar
// get search params locales=zh-cn&hour12=true
// get search params locales=zh-cn&hour12=true
// post body params JSON.stringify({locales: "zh-cn", hour12: true})
export function getDateLocaleString(params) {
if (typeof params !== "object") {
params = parseSearchParams(params);
neverstew avatar
Final URL I keep getting tracking links as part of emails. They suck! Use Val Town as a tracking shield - call this val and get redirected to the final URL at the end of the redirection chain without picking up trackers along the way.<tracking_link> Example The Glastonbury registration lookup link.
import { fetch } from "";
export async function finalUrl(req: Request) {
const url = new URL(req.url).pathname.replace(/^\//, "");
const response = await fetch(url);
iakovos avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by iakovos
import { getUrlHostname } from "";
export function renderTopStories(stories: {
id: number;
title: string;
teretzdev avatar
* Scrape product details from Delta8Pro website * @returns Array of product objects with details
* @returns Array of product objects with details
export default async function scrapeProducts() {
try {
* @returns Formatted string of product previews
export function previewProducts(products, limit = 5) {
return products.slice(0, limit).map(product => {
* @returns Array of scraped products
export async function runAndPreview() {
const products = await scrapeProducts();
* @returns Filtered array of products
export function filterProductsByCategory(products, category) {
return products.filter(product =>
* @returns Sorted array of products
export function sortProductsByPrice(products, ascending = true) {
return [...products].sort((a, b) => {
browniebroke avatar
BTC Price Alert This val monitors the price of Bitcoin (BTC) and sends an email alert if the price fluctuates significantly. Specifically, it checks the current BTC price against the last recorded price and triggers an email notification if the change exceeds 20%. The email includes the new price, formatted as currency. Fork this val to get these notifications on your inbox.
import { email } from "";
import { currency } from "";
export async function btcPriceAlert() {
const lastBtcPrice: number = await blob.getJSON("lastBtcPrice");
let btcPrice = await currency("usd", "btc");
vladimyr avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vladimyr
import ky from "npm:ky@1.2.0";
function resolveDidKey(did) {
return ky.get(`${did}`, {
headers: {
accept: "application/ld+json; profile=\"\"",
export function getResolver() {
return { key: resolveDidKey };
dthyresson avatar
getSpotifyTrackUrl Get a Spotify Track Url using the Spotify Web API given an artist and a song title. Track info is cached by the query and also the spotify track id, so your popular queries won't have to fetch from Spotify over and over. Examples import { getSpotifyTrackUrl } from ""; const reni = await getSpotifyTrackUrl("Stone Roses", "Fools Gold"); const ian = await getSpotifyTrackUrl("Joy Division", "Love Will Tear Us Apart"); const kim = await getSpotifyTrackUrl("Pixies", "Velouria"); console.log(reni) console.log(ian) console.log(kim) Info Uses getSpotifyAccessToken which requires you to set environment variables from your Spotify Developers account. SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET Your access token is cached by getSpotifyAccessToken to avoid fetching over and over.
format?: SpotifyTrackUrlFormat;
export function buildSpotifyTrackKey(artist: string, title: string) {
const key = `${SPOTIFY_TRACK_KEY_PREFIX}_artist:${kebabCase(artist)}_title:${kebabCase(title)}`.toLowerCase();
return key;
export function spotifyTrackUrl(track, format: SpotifyTrackUrlFormat) {
if (!track) return;
return url;
export function spotifyTrackAppLink(track) {
if (!track) return;
return url;
async function cacheTrack(spotifyTrackKey: string, track: any) {
console.debug(`Caching track ${spotifyTrackKey}`);
await blob.setJSON(`${SPOTIFY_TRACK_KEY_PREFIX}_id:${}`, track);
export async function getSpotifyTrackUrl(artist: string, title: string, options?: SpotifyTrackUrlOptions) {
const format = options?.format || "web";
kailhus avatar
Server/client to check whether a mixcloud channel is live. Uses (add your own 'browserless' key in the Val Town env variables),
import React, { useState } from "";
function App() {
const [isLive, setIsLive] = useState(false);
const [submittedChannel, setSubmittedChannel] = React.useState<string | null>(null);
async function checkLiveStatus(channel: string) {
try {
function client() {
createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render(<App />);
if (typeof document !== "undefined") { client(); }
export default async function server(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
const url = new URL(request.url);
headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" },
async function checkMixcloudLiveStatus(channelName: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
ryanwaits avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by ryanwaits
export function hexToUtf8(hex: string) {
if (!hex) {
reosablo avatar
generate UUID v4 every 200ms in streaming response. Note that streaming is not available in Val Town as of May 2024.
export default async function fetch(req: Request) {
const countParam = new URL(req.url).searchParams.get("count");
if (countParam === null) {
charlypoly avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by charlypoly
import { PNG } from "npm:pngjs";
import slugify from "npm:slugify";
export async function hasWebsiteChanged(url: string, threshold = 0.5) {
const slug = slugify(url);
const buffer = await screenshotPage(url);