
Results include substring matches and semantically similar vals. Learn more
samk avatar
BTC Price Alert This val monitors the price of Bitcoin (BTC) and sends an email alert if the price fluctuates significantly. Specifically, it checks the current BTC price against the last recorded price and triggers an email notification if the change exceeds 20%. The email includes the new price, formatted as currency. Fork this val to get these notifications on your inbox.
import { email } from "";
import { currency } from "";
export async function btcPriceAlert() {
const lastBtcPrice: number = await blob.getJSON("lastBtcPrice");
let btcPrice = await currency("usd", "eth");
trob avatar
return this.props.children;
function App() {
console.log("Rendering App component");
function client() {
try {
if (typeof document !== "undefined") { setTimeout(client, 0); }
export default async function server(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
const { sqlite } = await import("");
<div id="root"></div>
<script>window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error) { console.error("Global error:", message,
<script src=""></script>
twschiller avatar
Fetch the sailing flag color from
import { fetch } from "";
export async function communityBoatingFlag() {
const response = await fetch("");
const text = await response.text();
agmm avatar
What is this for? To get a list of all the SSL certificates that have been issued for a particular domain. Usage import { getCertificates } from ""; const results = await getCertificates(""); console.log(results)
serial_number: string;
result_count: number;
export async function getCertificates(domain: string) {
const url = `${domain}`;
const response = await fetch(url);
stevekrouse avatar
Delete blobs by prefix Utility to delete your blobs by prefix
import { blob } from "";
export async function deleteBlobs(prefix: string) {
(await blob.list(prefix)).forEach(({ key }) => blob.delete(key));
stevekrouse avatar
! * Group items from an array together by some criteria or value. * (c) 2019 Tom Bremmer ( and Chris Ferdinandi (, MIT License, * @param {Array} arr The array to group items from * @param {String|Function} criteria The criteria to group by * @return {Object} The grouped object
* @param {Array} arr The array to group items from
* @param {String|Function} criteria The criteria to group by
* @return {Object} The grouped object
export function groupBy<A>(arr: A[], criteria: ((a: A) => string) | string) {
return arr.reduce(function (obj, item) {
// Check if the criteria is a function to run on the item or a property of it
var key = typeof criteria === "function" ? criteria(item) : item[criteria];
// If the key doesn't exist yet, create it
jxnblk avatar
SVG Val Town badge image service
const rounded = 8;
const padLeft = 48;
export function Badge({
scale = 1,
label = "View source on",
export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
const svg = renderToStaticMarkup(
<Badge scale={1} />,
stevekrouse avatar
Send Chunked Discord Message This function is used to send a message to a Discord webhook. If the message exceeds the maximum character limit (2000 characters), it will be divided into chunks and sent as multiple messages. Parameters message (string): The message to be sent to the Discord webhook. Return Value This function does not return any value. Example Usage: const message = "This is a long message that needs to be sent to Discord. It may exceed the character limit, so it will be divided into smaller chunks."; await @ktodaz.sendDiscordMessage(message); In the above example, the sendDiscordMessage function is used to send the message to the Discord webhook. If the message exceeds 2000 characters, it will be split into smaller chunks and sent as separate messages. Required Secrets: Ensure you have added the secret for discord_webhook in your secrets settings (Profile -> Secrets)
# Send Chunked Discord Message
This function is used to send a message to a Discord webhook. If the message exceeds the maximum character limit (2000 charac
### Parameters
### Return Value
This function does not return any value.
## Example Usage:
await @ktodaz.sendDiscordMessage(message);
In the above example, the sendDiscordMessage function is used to send the message to the Discord webhook. If the message exce
## Required Secrets:
webhook_url: string = process.env.discord_webhook,
function chunkString(str) {
const chunks = [];
petermillspaugh avatar
Val Town email subscriptions: unsubscribe Cousin Val to @petermillspaugh/emailSubscription — see docs there.
import { email as sendEmail } from "";
import { sqlite } from "";
export async function unsubscribe(req: Request) {
const searchParams = new URL(req.url).searchParams;
const emailAddress = searchParams.get("email");
xkonti avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by xkonti
Fri: 5,
Sat: 6,
export function getWeekdaysInMonth(year: number, month: number, weekday: Weekday): Date[] {
const dates: Date[] = [];
const date = new Date(year, month, 1);
samk avatar
BTC Price Alert This val monitors the price of Bitcoin (BTC) and sends an email alert if the price fluctuates significantly. Specifically, it checks the current BTC price against the last recorded price and triggers an email notification if the change exceeds 20%. The email includes the new price, formatted as currency. Fork this val to get these notifications on your inbox.
import { email } from "";
import { currency } from "";
export async function btcPriceAlert() {
const lastBtcPrice: number = await blob.getJSON("lastBtcPrice");
let btcPrice = await currency("usd", "btc");
nthypes avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by nthypes
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE",
} as const;
export default function setCorsHeaders(
response: Response,
postpostscript avatar
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import type { MaybePromise } from "./types/util.ts";
export function abortable<T>(promise: MaybePromise<T>, signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<T> {
if (signal?.aborted) {
return Promise.reject(
new AbortError("signal aborted", {
cause: signal,
function cleanup() {
signal!.removeEventListener("abort", handler);
signal.addEventListener("abort", handler);
tempdev avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by tempdev
[key: string]: string | Function;
setItem: Function;
setItem: function(item: string, value: string) {
function get(index: number) {
function getMemBuff(): Uint8Array {
const encode = function(text: string, array: Uint8Array) {
function parse(text: string, func: Function, func2: Function) {
function isNull(test: any) {
function getArr32() {
function shift(QP: number) {
jkbno avatar
// Basic recursion type
// ReturnType is a utility type that extracts the return type of a function.
// In this definition, T is a function type that takes any number of arguments and returns any type.
, we create a temporary type variable R to represent the return type of the function. If T is a function, TypeScript infers t
function greet(name: string): string {
// Here, ReturnType is used to infer the return type of the greet function, which is string.
// This type extracts the parameter types of a function as a tuple. The definition of Parameters is as follows:
// In this example, we create a temporary type variable P to represent the parameter types of the function.
// If T is a function, TypeScript infers the parameter types and assigns them to P as a tuple.
function add(a: number, b: number): number {
// Here, Parameters is used to infer the parameter types of the add function, which is a tuple [number, number].