
Results include substring matches and semantically similar vals. Learn more
burkaygur avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by burkaygur
import * as fal from "npm:@fal-ai/serverless-client";
// Can also be auto-configured using environment variables:
rodrigotello avatar
Figma Frame To HTML TL;DR: you can see a Figma board in a website
TL;DR: you can see a Figma board in a website
et/fb0a5caa-72b5-4002-ad23-1e2628f48362.jpg?w=2000&h=4664&auto=compress&ixlib=react-9.5.4 "Figma frame to HTML")
pomdtr avatar
/** @jsxImportSource **/
import register from "";
const Greeting = ({ name = "World" }) => <p>Hello, {name}!</p>;
register(Greeting, "x-greeting", ["name"], { shadow: true });
stevekrouse avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by stevekrouse
HTTP (deprecated)
import { BrowserWebSocketClientAdapter } from "npm:@automerge/automerge-repo-network-websocket";
import { Repo } from "npm:@automerge/automerge-repo/slim";
import { automergeWasmBase64 } from "npm:@automerge/automerge/automerge.wasm.base64.js";
ychahwan avatar
DuckDB DuckDB works on Val Town, with only one small tweak! We're basically using DuckDB in the same way you'd use it with a browser - using the WASM package with its dependencies fetched from jsdelivr . The only trick is to create the worker ourselves rather than using duckdb.createWorker . DuckDB's built-in createWorker method doesn't specify a worker type, which causes type to default to classic , and Deno (our runtime) doesn't support classic workers.
const duckdb = await import(
// ""
const bundles = duckdb.getJsDelivrBundles();
const bundle = await duckdb.selectBundle(bundles);
petermillspaugh avatar
/** @jsxImportSource */
import { JSX } from "npm:react";
import { renderToString } from "npm:react-dom/server";
interface QuizQuestion {
tefla avatar
A minimal bookmarking tool This allows you to bookmark links and view them later. Completely powered by ValTown and SQLite. To set this up for yourself Fork the val From your ValTown settings page, add an environment variable named bookmarks_client_id and give it a value (you will be using this for saving) Add another environment variable named bookmarks_client_secret and give it a value (you will also be using this for saving) At first, the "bookmarks" table will not exist, so we need to save an article first, which will create the "bookmarks" table To do this, add a bookmarklet to your browser with this value (replace BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID and BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET with the values you added to the environment variables, and replace BOOKMARKS-URL with your VAL's URL): javascript:void(open('BOOKMARKS-URL/save?u='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&id=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID&secret=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET', 'Bookmark a link', 'width=400,height=450')) Click this bookmarklet to bookmark the URL of the current active tab Go to your VAL URL homepage to see the bookmark Demo Here are my bookmarks: Note Make sure you don't share bookmarks_client_id and bookmarks_client_secret . It is used for authentication before saving a bookmark.
HTTP (deprecated)
1. Fork the val
rom your ValTown settings page, add an environment variable named `bookmarks_client_id` and give it a value (you will be usin
3. Add another environment variable named `bookmarks_client_secret` and give it a value (you will also be using this for savi
4. At first, the "bookmarks" table will not exist, so we need to save an article first, which will create the "bookmarks" tab
this, add a bookmarklet to your browser with this value (replace `BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID` and `BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET` with th
onent(location.href)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&id=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID&secret=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET', 'Book
6. Click this bookmarklet to bookmark the URL of the current active tab
### Note
Make sure you don't share `bookmarks_client_id` and `bookmarks_client_secret`. It is used for authentication before saving a
return c.text("Authentication details (ID/Secret) missing!");
if (id != Deno.env.get("bookmarks_client_id") || secret != Deno.env.get("bookmarks_client_secret")) {
return c.text("Unauthorized!");
yawnxyz avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by yawnxyz
HTTP (deprecated)
writer.close(); // This can be awaited if needed
// Send the readable stream back to the client
return new Response(readable, {
headers: {
upbound_web avatar
A minimal bookmarking tool This allows you to bookmark links and view them later. Completely powered by ValTown and SQLite. To set this up for yourself Fork the val From your ValTown settings page, add an environment variable named bookmarks_client_id and give it a value (you will be using this for saving) Add another environment variable named bookmarks_client_secret and give it a value (you will also be using this for saving) At first, the "bookmarks" table will not exist, so we need to save an article first, which will create the "bookmarks" table To do this, add a bookmarklet to your browser with this value (replace BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID and BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET with the values you added to the environment variables, and replace BOOKMARKS-URL with your VAL's URL): javascript:void(open('BOOKMARKS-URL/save?u='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&id=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID&secret=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET', 'Bookmark a link', 'width=400,height=450')) Click this bookmarklet to bookmark the URL of the current active tab Go to your VAL URL homepage to see the bookmark Demo Here are my bookmarks: Note Make sure you don't share bookmarks_client_id and bookmarks_client_secret . It is used for authentication before saving a bookmark.
HTTP (deprecated)
1. Fork the val
rom your ValTown settings page, add an environment variable named `bookmarks_client_id` and give it a value (you will be usin
3. Add another environment variable named `bookmarks_client_secret` and give it a value (you will also be using this for savi
4. At first, the "bookmarks" table will not exist, so we need to save an article first, which will create the "bookmarks" tab
this, add a bookmarklet to your browser with this value (replace `BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID` and `BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET` with th
onent(location.href)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&id=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID&secret=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET', 'Book
6. Click this bookmarklet to bookmark the URL of the current active tab
### Note
Make sure you don't share `bookmarks_client_id` and `bookmarks_client_secret`. It is used for authentication before saving a
return c.text("Authentication details (ID/Secret) missing!");
if (id != Deno.env.get("bookmarks_client_id") || secret != Deno.env.get("bookmarks_client_secret")) {
return c.text("Unauthorized!");
pomdtr avatar
Static Vals Serve static content from Usage First, fork this val to get your own http endpoint. Then create a val that uses a string as it's default export, or a single string export. The val must be either public or unlisted . export default `<static content>` You can then fetch the exported string from outside using: curl 'https://<owner><val>.<extension>' The Content-Type will be dynamically set depending on the provided extension. Example Val Link
HTTP (deprecated)
export default `<static content>`
You can then fetch the exported string from outside using:
stevekrouse avatar
Catch This val is a helper for Townie, which sends client-side errors up to the top frame so that Townie can assist you in fixing them.
# Catch
This val is a helper for Townie, which sends client-side
errors up to the top frame so that Townie can assist you in fixing them.
janpaul123 avatar
// As Deno is currently focused on JavaScript/TypeScript runtime, it does not directly support HTML/CSS rendering like a browser does. You would typically run HTML/CSS code in a browser environment. If you need help with client-side code for a Wordle game, feel free to ask!
HTTP (deprecated)
typically run HTML/CSS code in a browser environment. If you need help with client-side code for a Wordle game, feel free to
ejfox avatar
// This approach uses Google OAuth to authenticate the user and fetch their actual calendar events for the week.
import { encode as encodeBase64 } from "";
const CLIENT_ID = Deno.env.get("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID");
const REDIRECT_URI = Deno.env.get("REDIRECT_URI"); // Should be set to your Val Town endpoint URL + "/callback"
const authUrl = `` +
`client_id=${CLIENT_ID}` +
`&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(REDIRECT_URI)}` +
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Authorization: `Basic ${encodeBase64(`${CLIENT_ID}:${CLIENT_SECRET}`)}`,
body: new URLSearchParams({
client_id: CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI,
vlad avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vlad
message: MessageEventContent,
serverUrl: string = "",
const url = `${serverUrl}/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/${
petermillspaugh avatar
Val Town email subscriptions 📧 Handles email subscription signup+verification and sending. Steps Fork and run the sibling Vals to set up SQLite tables: createSubscribers , createNewsletters , createEmailLogs Fork this Val and update for your use case (e.g. confirmation link, sendEmail args, form fields, etc.) Add an HTML form to your frontend that calls /send-verification , or just use / to return a simple HTML form Add a confirmation page on the frontend that calls /confirm-verification Fork sibling Vals to get verification email markup , send verification emails , create a list of newsletters , create a newsletter template , create an individual newsletter , send test emails , send emails , and handle unsubscribe Optionally, fork cousin Vals to view subscribers , email yourself daily subscriber count , email yourself a reminder to write your next newsletter , and send test emails Frontend form You should have a form that hits the /send-verification API endpoint on submit. Remember to adjust the endpoint URL to that of your fork (or else you'll be signing people up for my website!). As a simple alternative, you could use the / handler of this Val, which returns a simple HTML form. Here's a simple example using React: const EmailSignupForm = () => { const [name, setName] = useState(""); const [email, setEmail] = useState(""); async function handleSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); setName(""); setEmail(""); const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("name", name); formData.append("email", email); await fetch("", { method: "POST", body: formData, }); } return ( <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <label htmlFor="name">First name</label> <input id="name" value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(} type="text" required={true} /> <label htmlFor="email">Email</label> <input id="email" value={email} onChange={(e) => setEmail(} type="email" required={true} /> <button type="submit">Subscribe</button> </form> ); }; You can see a full example on signup in the footer and code on github . You can add/remove input fields as you wish, of course (e.g. maybe you don't need a name, or maybe you want a how'd-you-hear-about-us field). Just adjust the SQL and frontend implementation accordingly. Frontend confirmation page Create a confirmation page that accepts an email and token as query params and calls the /confirm-verification endpoint. Simple example using React (and Next.js /page directory): const EmailConfirmationPage = () => { const router = useRouter(); const { email, token } = router.query; const [isConfirmed, setIsConfirmed] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { async function confirmEmail() { if (!email || !token) return; const response = await fetch(`${email}&token=${token}`, { method: "PUT", }); const { confirmed } = await response.json(); if (confirmed) setIsConfirmed(true); } confirmEmail(); }, [email, token]); if (!isConfirmed) return null; return ( <main> <h1>You’re all set!</h1> </main> ); }; Full example is here and code is here . As an alternative, you could make /confirm-verification a GET route and have your email confirmation link sent by the first route be${email}&token=${token} (swapping in your namespace). That would be marginally faster, probably, but you'd still need some way to convey confirmation to the user (e.g. add some "You're all set" message to the return). Plus, the route writes to the subscribers table, so a PUT feels more appropriate. Notes Sending emails to people other than yourself on Val Town is a paid feature—if you want to stay on the free plan, you can go with a package like nodemailer or @sendgrid/mail
HTTP (deprecated)
## Frontend form
of this Val, which returns a simple HTML form. Here's a simple example using React:
## Frontend confirmation page
y params and calls the `/confirm-verification` endpoint. Simple example using React (and Next.js /page directory):