
Results include substring matches and semantically similar vals. Learn more
nbbaier avatar
// @title Day 4 solutions
return {
card: parseInt(card[0].split(" ")[1]),
numbers: card[1].split(" | ").map(side => side.split(" ")),
score: 0,
interface Card {
kj9 avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by kj9
import { TwitterApi } from "npm:twitter-api-v2";
export async function tweet(text, appKey, appSecret, accessToken, accessSecret) {
const client = new TwitterApi({
const { data: createdTweet } = await client.v2.tweet(text);
console.log("Tweet",, ":", createdTweet.text);
gwoods22 avatar
Push Notification Sender This val can be used in other vals to send notifications to a segment using OneSignal's REST API This is really handy if you want to send push notifications to your phone without building a native app! I built a barebones React PWA that asks for a password then loads the OneSignal Web SDK that I deployed to Netlify for free. OneSignal has easy to follow docs so you can build this functionality into a React, Angular, Vue app or even Wordpress! Then install the PWA on your platform of choice and you're off to the races! Setup Save your ONESIGNAL_TOKEN and SEGMENT_APPID from OneSignal to your Val Town environment variables Import into another val! import sendNotification from "";
This val can be used in other vals to send notifications to a segment using [OneSignal's REST API](https://documentation.ones
otifications to your phone without building a native app! I built a barebones React PWA that asks for a password then loads t
## Setup
pomdtr avatar
View Example #example
* @title TinyBase
* @description Automatic data synchronisation between clients using TinyBase
* @preview
* @include pomdtr/tinybase_example_server
* @include pomdtr/tinybase_example_client
* @resource [TinyBase Documentation](
ytf avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by ytf
// Require the Node Slack SDK package (
const { WebClient, LogLevel } = import("npm:@slack/web-api");
// read all
try {
// InitializeSlack API client
const client = new WebClient(slackAccessToken, { logLevel: LogLevel.WARN });
// Fetch all users
const result = await client.users.list({ team_id: teamId });
let users = result.members;
const profiles = await Promise.all( (user) => {
const result = await client.users.profile.get({ user: });
const fields = result?.profile?.fields;
// Update target user group
await client.usergroups.users.update({
usergroup: groupId,
stevekrouse avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by stevekrouse
import { googleClient } from "";
export const googleOauthDebug = (async () => {
const client = await googleClient();
const scopes = [""];
const authorizationUrl = client.generateAuthUrl({
scope: scopes,
sqlite avatar
Query All Public Vals Example: val town leaderboard import { zip } from ""; import { db } from ""; const res = await db.execute("SELECT author_username, COUNT(*) AS val_count FROM vals GROUP BY author_username ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10"); console.table(zip(res));
HTTP (deprecated)
import { InStatement } from "";
import type { ResultSet } from "npm:@libsql/client";
async function execute(statement: InStatement): Promise<ResultSet> {
const resp = await fetch("", {
andreterron avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by andreterron
export async function twitterRequestAccessToken(
{ code, redirect_uri, challenge, client_id, client_secret }: {
code: string;
challenge: string;
client_id: string;
client_secret: string;
const url = "";
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
...basicAuthorization(client_id, client_secret),
body: body.toString(),
vtdocs avatar
Part of the Upload and download from AWS S3 guide on
export const uploadTextToS3 = (async () => {
const { S3Client } = await import(
const s3client = new S3Client({
endPoint: "",
secretKey: process.env.awsS3Secret,
return await s3client.putObject("filename.txt", "File contents");
robsimmons avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by robsimmons
import { Dusa } from "";
side RA is right :-
side RB is right :-
side LA is left :-
side LB is left :-
side B is Side :-
side A is Side,
side B is Side :-
side A is Side,
outside is Side :-
karfau avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by karfau
async function skip_should_reject_when_id_is_locked(
{ dlock, id, ttl, deadline, fetchStub, assertRejects, assertEquals },
const error = "lock is acquired by another client";
const err = await assertRejects(() =>
dlock({ id, ttl }, fetchStub({ error, deadline }, { status: 409 }))
jxnblk avatar
Add a Val Town badge to your own HTTP vals Option 1: Middleware Import the middleware from Wrap your HTML request handler with middleware, and pass import.meta.url to link to your val import wrapper from ""; async function handler(req: Request): Promise<Response> { const html = ` <h1>Hello, world</h1> `; return new Response(html, { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", }, }); } export default wrapper(handler, import.meta.url); Option 2: HTML string generator Get the HTML string for the badge using Add the HTML to your response's HTML string wherever you like import valTownBadge from ""; export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> { const badge = valTownBadge(import.meta.url); const html = ` <h1>Hello, world</h1> ${badge} `; return new Response(html, { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", }, }); } Manual options You can also edit the snippet below to manually add the badge in HTML <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;color:inherit"> <img src="" width="160" height="160"> </a> Or markdown: [![View source on Val Town](]( Vals used to create this SVG badge image service Val Town logo React component Code icon React component HTML generator that uses import.meta.url to create a link to your val Middleware to inject badge HTML in the lower right corner of your page
- <> SVG badge image service
- <> Val Town logo React component
- <> Code icon React component
- <> HTML generator that uses `import.meta.url` to create a link to your val
nerdymomocat avatar
// if you added new items to habitify after running this script
apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY ?? undefined,
const client = Instructor({
client: oai,
mode: "TOOLS",
if (!date.includes("T")) {
date = date + "T23:00:00"; // if no time is included, consider it completed at 11pm
const parsedDate = Date.parse(date);
const sys_prompt = createPrompt(habitKeys.join(), specialPrompt);
const processed_message = await{
messages: [
joey avatar
Blob Array Create an array as a Database, instantly! Just create a new val for your array: import { BlobArray } from ""; type User = { email: string }; // specify the type inside the TS generic <> to define the type of your array export let myUserArray = BlobArray<User>("my-user-array"); Now import it and start using it in your vals! import { myUserArray } from ""; // overwrite the entire array await myUserArray.set([{ email: "" }, { email: "" }]); // get all the entries in your array const allUsers = await myUserArray.get(); // call any array method you want, just use "await" await myUserArray.push({ email: "" }); const gmailUsers = await myUserArray.filter(u =>""));
type User = { email: string };
// specify the type inside the TS generic <> to define the type of your array
export let myUserArray = BlobArray<User>("my-user-array");
madhatter349 avatar
ā˜”ļø Umbrella reminder if there's rain today Setup Fork this val šŸ‘‰ Customize the location (line 8). You can supply any free-form description of a location. āš ļø Only works for US-based locations (where covers). How it works Geocodes an free-form description of a location to latitude and longitude ā€“ @stevekrouse.nominatimSearch Converts a latitude and longitude to grid ā€“ @stevekrouse.weatherGovGrid Gets the hourly forecast for that grid Filters the forecast for periods that are today and >30% chance of rain If there are any, it formats them appropriately, and sends me an email
export const umbrellaReminder = async (arg) => {
if (arg.method) return Response.json("");
let location = "Upper West Side, New York"; // <---- customize this line
let [{ lat, lon }] = await nominatimSearch({
q: location,