
Results include substring matches and semantically similar vals. Learn more
maxm avatar
Deno Fresh Charts Example Cobbled together from here: Render charts as HTML or as images. This image is rendered by the val below:
HTTP (deprecated)
# Deno Fresh Charts Example
Cobbled together from here:
Render charts as HTML or as images. This image is rendered by the val below:
/** @jsxImportSource */
// fresh_charts expects React to be available on globalThis/window, not sure why!
globalThis.React = React;
const chart = () => ({
type: "bar",
options: { devicePixelRatio: 1 },
stevekrouse avatar
CORS issues are the bane of frontend engineers. In Val Town, if you don't customize any CORS headers, we add these defaults: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*" Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE" You can override them if you wish to disallow CORS. This val is a client-side-rendered React app that makes requests to @stevekrouse/cors_example_backend. The backend is in a different val because CORS applies to requests on different domains. The backend has examples of the default permissive CORS behavior and disabled CORS.
HTTP (deprecated)
[CORS]( issues are the bane of frontend engineers.
In Val Town, if you don't customize any CORS headers, we add these defaults:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE"
You can override them if you wish to disallow CORS.
This val is a client-side-rendered React app that makes requests to @stevekrouse/cors_example_backend. The backend is in a di
/** @jsxImportSource */
const BASE_URL = "";
export function App() {
const [logs, setLogs] = useState([]);
chet avatar
// NOTE: This doesn't work great.
HTTP (deprecated)
// NOTE: This doesn't work great.
const valDomain = "";
const notionPage = "";
export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
const notionUrl = new URL(notionPage);
const notionDomain =;
const url = new URL(req.url);
if (url.pathname === "/") { = valDomain;
url.pathname = notionUrl.pathname;
pomdtr avatar
HTTP Client Attach a postman-like http client to your vals, with bookmarks and history support Usage Wrap your http handler in an the httpClient middleware. import {httpClient} from "" export default httpClient((req) => { return new Response("Hello World!") }) The http client will be shown on the root. Adding bookmarks You might want to bookmark some requests you need often. You can do it by passing a bookmark list as a middleware option: import {httpClient} from "" export default httpClient((req) => { return new Response("Hello World!") }, { bookmarks: [ { "label": "Dummy Request", "request": new Request("") } ]}) Customizing the client path import {httpClient} from "" export default httpClient((req) => { return new Response("Hello World!") }, { path: "/http-client" }) TODO [ ] fix syntax highlighting on successive request [ ] allow to prefill the initial request
HTTP (deprecated)
# HTTP Client
Attach a postman-like http client to your vals, with bookmarks and history support
## Usage
Wrap your http handler in an the httpClient middleware.
/** @jsxImportSource npm:preact **/
type SerializedRequest = {
url: string;
method: string;
stevekrouse avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by stevekrouse
HTTP (deprecated)
import { createClient } from "npm:pexels";
export async function pexelsExample(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
const pexels = createClient(Deno.env.get("pexels"));
const r = await{ query: "singapore skyline" });
if (!("photos" in r)) return;
return html( => `<img width="50px" src="${p.src.tiny}"/>`).join(""),
janpaul123 avatar
// Initialize sample stories and store them in blob storage
HTTP (deprecated)
// Initialize sample stories and store them in blob storage
const SAMPLE_STORIES_KEY = "hn_sample_stories";
async function initializeSampleStories() {
const existingStories = await blob.getJSON(SAMPLE_STORIES_KEY);
if (!existingStories) {
const sampleStories = Array.from({ length: 30 }).map((_, idx) => ({
id: idx + 1,
title: `Sample Story ${idx + 1}`,
url: `${idx + 1}`,
votes: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
janpaul123 avatar
// This updated val serves an HTML page emulating a Hacker News clone.
HTTP (deprecated)
// This updated val serves an HTML page emulating a Hacker News clone.
// It now has clickable titles that will serve pages with some fake story content.
export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
const url = new URL(req.url);
const path = url.pathname;
if (path === "/") {
const htmlContent = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
mattx avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by mattx
import process from "node:process";
export const faunadb_test = (async () => {
const { faunadb } = await import("npm:faunadb");
const client = new faunadb.Client({
secret: process.env.fauna_key,
const { Get, Ref, Collection } = faunadb.query;
// from included sample data
const result = await client.query(Get(Ref(Collection("products"), "202")));
return result;
saolsen avatar
See what a minimal example of a hono + canvas game could look like.
HTTP (deprecated)
See what a minimal example of a hono + canvas game could look like.
/* @jsxImportSource */
const app = new Hono();
// Components
* Nav component that uses `hx-boost` toplevel links targeting `main`.
* @remarks
* hx-boost links targeting `main` are handled automatically by the
* layout middleware.
const Nav: FC = () => {
return (
webup avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by webup
export const pipeSampleLLM = (async () => {
const { PromptTemplate } = await import("npm:langchain/prompts");
const { RunnableSequence } = await import("npm:langchain/schema/runnable");
const { StringOutputParser } = await import(
const builder = await getModelBuilder();
const model = await builder();
const promptTemplate = PromptTemplate.fromTemplate(
"Tell me a joke about {topic}",
const outputParser = new StringOutputParser();
rlesser avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by rlesser
type RepoData = {
date: string;
rank: number;
full_name: string;
description: string;
language: string;
stars: number;
forks: number;
stars_recent: number;
export const Github_ScrapeTrendingRepos = async (
pinjasaur avatar
sassy Compile Sass into CSS on the fly. Inspired by me doing the same thing on Webtask when that was still around. Read more . Use like so: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "sass": "body { background: rgba(#bada55, .5) }" }'
HTTP (deprecated)
# sassy
Compile Sass into CSS on the fly.
Inspired by me doing the [same thing on Webtask]( when that was still around. [Re
Use like so:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "sass": "body { background: rgba(#bada55, .5) }" }' https://pinjasaur-
export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
if (req.method !== "POST") {
return Response.json({ error: "This val responds to POST requests." }, {
status: 400,
stevekrouse avatar
The actual code for VALL-E:
HTTP (deprecated)
The actual code for VALL-E:
/** @jsxImportSource */
// Set these to your own
const username = "janpaul123";
const tempValsParentFolderId = "4bb7b010-4443-11ef-8642-de64eea55b61";
export default function(
{ username, tempValsParentFolderId }: { username: string; tempValsParentFolderId: string },
const valTownToken = Deno.env.get("valtown");
const vt = new ValTown({ bearerToken: valTownToken });
const app = new Hono();
yawnxyz avatar
// set Deno.env.get("GROQ_API_KEY")
import { ai } from "";
// set Deno.env.get("GROQ_API_KEY")
// console.log(await ai("tell me a joke in Spanish"))
console.log(await ai("tell me a reddit joke", {
provider: "anthropic",
model: "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
bmalicoat avatar
Sample script for how to load a NYT Crossword onto a reMarkable tablet. More details at
Sample script for how to load a NYT Crossword onto a reMarkable tablet. More details at
export default async function(interval: Interval) {
const nytCookie = "insert-cookie-here";
const nytCrosswordURLPrefix = "";
const rmToken = "insert-bearer-token-here";
const rmFolderGuid = "insert-parent-folder-guid-here";
const rmFilesEndpoint = "";
// Construct URL for today's Crossword
// e.g.
const today = new Date(;