

Hacker-journalist based in New York ![](https://ejfox-canvasvalcontributionchart.web.val.run)
Joined February 28, 2023
Public vals
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An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by ejfox
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open "https://ejfox-codeshowcase.web.val.run/?code=$(pbpaste | jq -sRr @uri)" to get a screenshottable code snippet
ejfox avatar
@jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/react
ejfox avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from janpaul123/VALLErun
ejfox avatar
* This val creates an interactive tech stack wizard that generates a video game-style inventory screen. * It uses React for the UI, leverages emoji and Unicode symbols for a visually rich experience, and * incorporates Tailwind CSS for elegant, grayscale styling. * The wizard allows users to select tools, libraries, and APIs, then displays them in a shareable format.
ejfox avatar
UMAP Dimensionality Reduction API This is a high-performance dimensionality reduction microservice using UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection). It provides an efficient way to reduce high-dimensional data to 2D or 3D representations, making it easier to visualize and analyze complex datasets. When to Use This Service Visualizing high-dimensional data in 2D or 3D space Reducing dimensionality of large datasets for machine learning tasks Exploring relationships and clusters in complex data Preprocessing step for other machine learning algorithms Common Use Cases Visualizing word embeddings in a scatterplotcs Exploring customer segmentation in marketing analytics Visualizing image embeddings in computer vision tasks
ejfox avatar
* This tool fetches real-time data from various free APIs to create a JSON object * representing the current state of the world from different perspectives. * Data is cached for 30 minutes using Val Town's SQLite database to reduce API calls and improve performance.
ejfox avatar
* This program creates an HTTP server that fetches various data from NASA APIs * and returns a JSON response with a collection of interesting information about today. * It uses multiple NASA APIs to gather diverse space-related data, including real-time imagery * and additional interesting data points.
ejfox avatar
NAME eclipsetoday - Determine if a solar or lunar eclipse is happening right now DESCRIPTION The script checks if there's a solar or lunar eclipse currently occurring anywhere on Earth. The script utilizes a hardcoded list of known eclipses for the years 2024-2026. It will return a JSON response indicating whether an eclipse is happening at the time of the request, along with details about the eclipse if applicable. USAGE The script is designed to be run in a server environment, responding to incoming HTTP requests. Upon receiving a request, it will return JSON data in the following format: ``` { "isEclipseHappening": true/false, "eclipseDetails": { "date": "2024-04-08T00:00:00Z", "kind": "solar", "type": "total", "place": "partial: North and Central America; total: northern Mexico, central U.S., and eastern Canada" }, "checkedAt": "2024-04-08T00:00:00Z" } ``` If an error occurs during processing, the script will return a JSON error message with details about the failure.
ejfox avatar
* This dating app allows users to upload photos of their bedside table and phone case. * It uses Val Town's SQLite for data persistence and blob storage for image uploads. * The app includes a simple matching algorithm based on common items in bedside tables.
ejfox avatar
// Thank you for the feedback! You're right, we need to handle cases where playlist images might be missing.
ejfox avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
// This val fetches the 10 most recent Mastodon posts using the Mastodon API.
ejfox avatar
// This approach directly uses axios to request the Pinboard API.
ejfox avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
GitHub Collaboration Suggester This tool analyzes the recent GitHub activity of two users and suggests potential collaboration opportunities. Features Fetches the last 3 months of GitHub activity for two users Summarizes activity including event counts, repositories, commits, issues, and pull requests Uses AI to generate collaboration suggestions based on the activity summaries Usage To use it, make a GET request with two GitHub usernames as query parameters: https://ejfox-githubcollabgen.web.val.run?user1=<username1>&user2=<username2> Curl Compare two specific users: curl "https://ejfox-githubcollabgen.web.val.run?user1=ejfox&user2=stevekrouse" Response The API returns a plain text response with AI-generated collaboration suggestions, including: Potential collaborative projects Technologies to explore or learn Ways to complement each other's skills Opportunities for knowledge sharing or mentoring Possible open-source contributions
ejfox avatar
GitHub Activity Summarizer This val.town script fetches a user's recent GitHub activity and generates a summarized narrative overview using OpenAI's GPT model. Features Retrieves GitHub activity for a specified user from the past week Summarizes activity using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo model Returns a concise, narrative summary of the user's GitHub contributions Usage Access the script via HTTP GET request: https://https://ejfox-githubactivitysummarizer.web.val.run/?username=<github_username> Replace <github_username> with the desired GitHub username like https://https://ejfox-githubactivitysummarizer.web.val.run/?username=ejfox in the past week Note Ensure you have necessary permissions and comply with GitHub's and OpenAI's terms of service when using this script.
ejfox avatar
// This val receives text input, sends it to OpenAI to generate relationships,