

I mainly enjoy tinkering with the val.town api: - VS Code integration: https://github.com/pomdtr/valtown-vscode - CLI: https://github.com/pomdtr/vt
Joined June 14, 2023
nbbaier avatar
SQLite Dump Util A utility function that generates SQL statements to dump the data and schema of tables in a SQLite database. Usage This example specifically dumps the users table and logs the output: import { sqliteDump } from "https://esm.town/v/nbbaier/sqliteDump"; const dump = await sqliteDump(["users"]); console.log(dump) You can optionally specify a callback to handle the result. The example below dumps the users table and emails it using std/email . import { email } from "https://esm.town/v/std/email"; import { sqliteDump } from "https://esm.town/v/nbbaier/sqliteDump"; await sqliteDump(["users"], async (res) => { await email({ text: res }); }); Function Signature function sqliteDump(tables?: string[], callback?: ((result: string) => string | void | Promise<void>) | undefined): Promise<string | void> Parameters tables : (Optional) Array of table names to include in the dump. If not provided, all tables will be included. callback : (Optional) An (potentially async) callback function to process the dump result. The callback receives the dump string as its argument.
chet avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
// NOTE: This doesn't work great.
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Notebook Val This val automatically serves the codeblock it contains. Each codeblock is augmented with a set of properties ```html { name: "index.html" } <h1>Hello world</h1> ``` Properties follow JSON5 syntax . Currently only a name property is supported. Files Entrypoint <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>Page Title</title> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='main.css'> <link rel="icon" href="https://fav.farm/📔" /> <script src='main.js'></script> </head> <body> <h1>This whole val code is extracted from a README!</h1> <a href="https://www.val.town/v/pomdtr/notebook">View Val</a> </body> </html> Styling body { background-color: white; } h1 { color: red; } Script console.log("Hi from the readme")
pomdtr avatar
Authentication middleware Guards your public http vals behind a login page. This val use a json web token stored as an http-only cookie to persist authentication. Usage Set an AUTH_SECRET_KEY env variable (used to sign/verify jwt tokens) to a random string . Then use an API token to authenticate. import { auth } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/auth_middleware"; async function handler(req: Request): Promise<Response> { return new Response("You are authenticated!"); } export default auth(handler); See @pomdtr/test_auth for an example ⚠️ Make sure to only provides your api token to vals you trust (i.e. your own), as it gives access to your whole account.
pomdtr avatar
SQL Template Tag Port of blakeembrey/sql-template-tag for usage in val.town. Usage import { sqlite } from "https://esm.town/v/std/sqlite" import { sql, zip } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/sql" const query = sql`SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = ${author}`; console.log(query.sql) // => "SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = ?" console.log(query.args) // => [author] const res = await sqlite.execute(query) console.table(zip(res)) For advanced usage (ex: nesting queries), refer to the project readme .
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Static Vals Serve static content from val.town Usage First, fork this val to get your own http endpoint. Then create a val that uses a string as it's default export, or a single string export. The val must be either public or unlisted . export default `<static content>` You can then fetch the exported string from outside val.town using: curl 'https://<owner>-static.web.val.run/<val>.<extension>' The Content-Type will be dynamically set depending on the provided extension. Example https://pomdtr-static.web.val.run/val_town_readme_style.css Val Link
saolsen avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
View val changes as a diff. Go to /v/username/valname/version to see a diff between that version and the previous one. For example https://saolsen-changes.web.val.run/v/saolsen/tracing/108
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Bookmarklet Manager Write your bookmarklets in val.town. Usage You val should just contain your bookmarklet code. alert("Hi mom!"); Make sure that your val is either unlisted or public, and not named bookmarklets . Then navigate to https://pomdtr-bookmarklets.web.val.run/v/:author/:name to generate the bookmarklet link. Sharing a bookmarklet Make sure that your val is public, and add a #bookmarklet tag anywhere in the code. alert("Hi mom!"); // #bookmarklet It should automatically appears on https://pomdtr-bookmarklets.web.val.run . ⚠️ If you are using the Arc Browser , you can use the Powerlet extension to install bookmarklets.
stevekrouse avatar
Date Me Directory This is entry-point val for the source code for the Date Me Directory. Contributions welcome! This app uses Hono as the server framework and for JSX . The vals are stored in Val Town SQLite . Contributing Forking this repo should mostly work, except for the sqlite database. You'll need to create the table & populate it with some data. This script should do it, but I think it has a couple bugs. If you're interested in contributing to this project contact me or comment on this val and I'll get it working for ya! Todos [ ] Make the SQLite database forkable and build a widget/workflow for that, ie fix @stevekrouse/dateme_sqlite [ ] Require an email (that isn't shared publicly) [ ] Verify the email address with a "magic link" [ ] Refactor Location to an array of Lat, Lon [ ] Geocode all the existing locations [ ] Add a geocoder map input to the form [ ] Allow selecting multiple location through the form [ ] Profile performance & speed up site, possibly add more caching [ ] Let people edit their forms [ ] Featured profiles
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Manage your blobs using VS Code ! Just fork this val to install it, and use an api token to authenticate.
saolsen avatar
Tiny migrations "framework" that makes using sqlite in vals a little easier. Not great yet, so far can only run "up" for migrations you haven't run yet or down for all the ones you have run. See https://www.val.town/v/saolsen/sqlite_migrations_example for usage.
pomdtr avatar
Example Cli Val Usage deno run --allow-all --reload=https://esm.town/v https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/cli_example Steve Hey Steve! Install deno install --allow-all --reload=https://esm.town/v https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/cli_example cli_example Steve Hey Steve!
stevekrouse avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from stevekrouse/sqlite_admin
rlesser avatar
Dependency Graph Explorer This val allows for dependency graph exploration. getDependencyGraph Iteratively explores the dependency graph of a val and its children, returning the results. arguments valUrlOrSlug string - the full val url or slug ( author/name ) of the val returns An object containing: dependencyMap Map<string, string[]> - A map of vals (by id) to dependencies (vals or non-val id) moduleMap Map<string, Module> - A map of modules (by val or non-val id) to module information. Module object contains: slug string - the slug of the module, how it should be displayed visually id string - the id of the module, corresponding to how it's displayed in the code, normally as a url. websiteUrl string - the website link for the module, a normally a link to either valtown or npm. category string|null - the category of the module, such as "valtown", "esm.sh", or "npm". Those without a predefined category are in null.
pomdtr avatar
Val Town Basic Auth Add basic auth on top of any http val Usage Wrap your HTTP handler in the basicAuth middleware. import { basicAuth } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/basicAuth"; function handler(req: Request) { return new Response("You are authenticated!"); } export default basicAuth(handler, { verifyUser: (username, password) => username == "user" && password == "password" }); If you want to use an apiToken as a password: import { basicAuth } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/basicAuth"; import { verifyToken } from "https://www.val.town/v/pomdtr/verifyToken" function handler(req: Request) { return new Response("You are authenticated!"); } export default basicAuth(handler, { verifyUser: (_, password) => verifyToken(password) });
pomdtr avatar
Lowdb Example This val demonstrates the integration between valtown and lowdb . Read the Lodash section if you want to give superpowers to your DB.