

Physicist, Senior Developer and IT Consultant, University Lecturer, Freelancer and Startup Founder
Joined October 5, 2024
Public vals
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple web page which sends a GET request to a preconfigured server that responds with a JSON structure containing some interesting details about the client and its request. The JSON structure is received and finally shown to the user. This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_clientinfoservice.web.val.run/ which contains the server part (aka "backend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple HTTP end point which accepts any kind of HTTP request and responds with a JSON Structure containing some interesting details about the client and its request. This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_clientinfo.web.val.run/ which contains the browser part (aka "frontend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple web page which allows users to enter a "System Message" and a "User Message" in order to be sent to a preconfigured server. That server then runs a chat completion and returns the computed "Assistant Message" back to the client where the result is presented to the user. This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_aichatcompletionservice.web.val.run/ which contains the server part (aka "backend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple HTTP end point which expects a POST request with a JSON structure containing the properties "SystemMessage" and "UserMessage". These message are then used to run an OpenAI chat completion and produce an "assistant message" which is sent back to the client as plain text. This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_aichatcompletion.web.val.run/ which contains the browser part (aka "frontend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple script that is expected to be run every weekday at 6:00 and simply sends a "Good Morning" email with the current weather in Stuttgart (Germany), a forecast for the day and (on fridays) a reminder not to forget to attend the lecture "Grundlagen der Informatik". The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple web page which allows users to enter some german (or other non-english) text and send it to a preconfigured server. That server translates the text with the help of OpenAI and sends the result back to this app where it is finally presented to the user. This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_aitranslatorservice.web.val.run/ which contains the server part (aka "backend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple HTTP end point which expects a POST request with a text body. That text is translated to english with the help of OpenAI and sent back to the client This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_aitranslator.web.val.run/ which contains the browser part (aka "frontend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple web page with input elements for an email subject and message which may then be sent to the val creator. Fork this val if you want the email to be sent to you! The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a simple HTTP end point which expects values from an HTML form that were submitted in a POST request. The values are collected in a JSON structure and then sent back to the client. This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_formupload.web.val.run/ which contains the browser part (aka "frontend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a very simple HTTP end point which expects an uploaded file and responds with a JSON structure containg name, type and size of that file. This val is the companion of https://rozek-gdi_fileupload.web.val.run/ which contains the user interface (aka "frontend") for this example. The code was created using Townie - with only a few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a very simple HTTP end point responding with a static "Hello, World!". To make it less boring, the response is rendered as ASCII art. In order to use it, send a request similar to the following https://rozek-gdi_helloworldservice.web.val.run/ The code was created using Townie - with only very few small manual corrections. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
This val is part of a series of examples to introduce "val.town" in my computer science course at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences . The idea is to motivate even first-semester students not to wait but to put their ideas into practice from the very beginning and implement web apps with frontend and backend. It contains a very simple (but still a bit visually impressive) "Hello, World!" web page made with Townie. This val is licensed under the MIT License.
rozek avatar
@jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/preact
rozek avatar
@jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/preact
rozek avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by rozek
rozek avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by rozek