

mayor of val town
tmcw avatar
This tracks the data produced by my iPhone trade-in values val .
tmcw avatar
Track iPhone trade-in prices iPhone trade in values - to trade phones back to Apple themselves - fluctuate over time , and eventually they no longer accept certain kinds of phones. You can still trade in an iPhone 7 - released in 2016 , about 6 years ago as of this writing. But no longer does an iPhone 6 have value back to Apple. This tracks those values - it runs every month and records prices to iphoneTradeInValues , which I'll visualize once there's some data.
axif0 avatar
// Handle other interactions here
fil avatar
D3 Chord diagram Example taken from the D3 Gallery , and rendered (server-side) as a static SVG served through the web end point .
stevekrouse avatar
Forked from stevekrouse/tursoExamples
tal avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Creates and iCal feed that calendars can subscribe to for all of the various school lunches.
stevekrouse avatar
Planes Above Me Inspired by https://louison.substack.com/p/i-built-a-plane-spotter-for-my-son A little script that grabs that planes above you, just change line 4 to whatever location you want and it'll pull the lat/log for it and query.
xkonti avatar
Allows to publish a ntfy notification using a fluent builder configuration. Usage example import { ntfy } from "https://esm.town/v/xkonti/ntfy"; await ntfy() .toServer(Deno.env.get("ntfyServer")) .asUser(Deno.env.get("ntfyUser"), Deno.env.get("ntfyPassword")) .toTopic("testing") .withMessage("Hello there!") .withTitle("First test") .withViewAction("My website", "https://xkonti.tech") .withTags("package", "val-town") .withPriority("high") .publish(); ⚠️ For the notification to be sent it needs to be published ( publish function). Use helper Executes specified functions that can modify the notification. Can be used to streamline authentication, apply common operations, etc. import { ntfy } from "https://esm.town/v/xkonti/ntfy"; const toMyNtfyServer = (builder: ReturnType<typeof ntfy>) => { builder .toServer(Deno.env.get("ntfyServer")) .asUser(Deno.env.get("ntfyUser"), Deno.env.get("ntfyPassword")); }; await ntfy() .use(toMyNtfyServer) .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .publish(); You can pass it multiple functions. Functions toServer(url) - optional Specifies a server that the notification will be sent do. By default it's https://ntfy.sh . asUser(user, password) - optional Authenticates with the user and password. Please use ValTown's secrets for this. await ntfy() .asUser('user123', '12345') ... usingToken(token) - optional Authenticates using the provided token. Please use ValTown's secrets for this. await ntfy() .usingToken('some-token') ... toTopic(topic) - required Specifies which topic to publish the message to. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') ... withMessage(message, markdown) - required Specifies the main message of the notification. You can also flag it as markdown by passing true as a second argument. By default markdown is false . await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') ... await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('Your garage is **flooding**!', true) ... withTitle(title) - optional Sets the title of the notification. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withTitle('Garage') .withMessage('You left the front door open') ... withPriority(priority) - optional Sets the priority of the notification. Possible from lowest to highest priority: min , low , default , high , max await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withPriority('high') ... Alternatively you can use dedicated functions: .withMinPriority() , .withLowPriority() , .withDefaultPriority() , .withHighPriority() , .withMaxPriority() await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withHighPriority() ... withTags(...tags) - optional Sets tags of the notification. This overrides any previously existing tags. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withTags('door', 'safety') ... withDelay(delay) - optional Sets the delay for notification delivery. Read ntfy docs for more info. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withDelay('tomorrow, 10am') ... withViewAction(label, url, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that opens a website or app when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification url - URL to open when action is tapped clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withViewAction('View Val', 'https://www.val.town/v/xkonti/ntfy') ... withBroadcastAction(label, intent?, extras?, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that sends an Android broadcast intent when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification intent - Android intent name, default is io.heckel.ntfy.USER_ACTION extras - Android intent extras. clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withBroadcastAction('Selfie', 'Take picture', { 'cmd': 'pic' }) ... withHtmlAction(label, url, method?, headers?, body?, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that sends a HTTP request when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification url - URL to which the HTTP request will be sent method - HTTP method to use for request, default is POST headers - HTTP headers to pass in request. body - HTTP body as a string clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withHtmlAction( 'Self-destruct', 'https://self.destruct/initiate', 'POST', { 'Authentication': 'Bearer 123' }, '{"countdown":60}' ) ... withClickUrl(url) - optional Makes the notification open the specified URL when clicked (tapped). withRawAttachment(filename, filedata) - optional Attached a file to the notification. Only one file can be attached. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withRawAttachment('todo.txt', 'Nothing!') ... withUrlAttachment(url) - optional Attaches a file that is hosted elsewhere (URL). withIcon(url) - optional Sets an icon for the notification. viaEmail(email) - optional Sends the notification via email instead. viaPhoneCall(number) - optional Sends the notification via a phone call . The number defaults to yes , which makes it use the first phone number defined on your ntfy account. withoutCache() - optional Disables the cache for the notification. Read the docs on caching for more info. withoutFirebase() - optional Disables Firebase forwarding for the notification. Read the docs on Firebase for more info. withUnifiedPush() - optional Indicates intent of using the Unified Push for the notification. Read the docs on Unified Push for more info.
stevekrouse avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by stevekrouse
zackoverflow avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by zackoverflow
pomdtr avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by pomdtr
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Van Plate Example of building html using the mini-van lib. Access it at https://pomdtr-vanPlateExample.web.val.run
fil avatar
Becker’s Barley trellis SSR chart with Observable Plot This chart is rendered server-side by val.town, using Observable Plot, from data loaded from the GitHub API. For a more complete example, see https://www.val.town/v/fil.earthquakes. For information on this chart, see https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-barley-trellis.
fil avatar
Earthquake map 🌏 This val loads earthquake data from USGS, a topojson file for the land shape, and supporting libraries. It then creates a map and save it as a SVG string. The result is cached for a day. Note that we must strive to keep it under val.town’s limit of 100kB, hence the heavy simplification of the land shape. (For a simpler example, see becker barley .) | | | |-----|-----| | Web page | https://fil-earthquakes.web.val.run/ | | Observable Plot | https://observablehq.com/plot/ | | linkedom | https://github.com/WebReflection/linkedom | | topojson | https://github.com/topojson/topojson | | earthquakes | https://earthquake.usgs.gov | | world | https://observablehq.com/@visionscarto/world-atlas-topojson | | css | https://milligram.io/ |
karfau avatar
A helper to get the raw data of a val, using the very nice implementation from @pomdtr.raw . Usage: https://www.val.town/v/karfau.test_getRaw Also look at @karfau.rawUrl to just get the raw url of another val inside a val.
zackoverflow avatar
minizod Tiny Zod implementation. Why Zod is a dense library, and its module structure (or lack thereof) makes it difficult for bundlers to tree-shake unused modules . Additionally, using Zod in vals requires the await import syntax which means having to wrap every schema in a Promise and awaiting it. This is extremely annoying. So this is a lil-tiny-smol Zod meant for use in vals. A noteworthy use-case is using minizod to generate tyep-safe API calls to run vals outside of Val Town (such as client-side). Type-safe API call example We can use minizod to create type safe HTTP handlers and generate the corresponding code to call them using Val Town's API, all in a type-safe manner. First, create a schema for a function. The following example defines a schema for a function that takes a { name: string } parameter and returns a Promise<{ text: string }> . const minizodExampleSchema = () => @zackoverflow.minizod().chain((z) => z .func() .args(z.tuple().item(z.object({ name: z.string() }))) .ret(z.promise().return(z.object({ text: z.string() }))) ); With a function schema, you can then create an implementation and export it as a val: const minizodExample = @me.minizodExampleSchema().impl(async ( { name }, ) => ({ text: `Hello, ${name}!` })).json() In the above example, we call .impl() on a function schema and pass in a closure which implements the actual body of the function. Here, we simply return a greeting to the name passed in. We can call this val, and it will automatically parse and validate the args we give it: // Errors at compile time and runtime for us! const response = @me.minizodExample({ name: 420 }) Alternatively, we can use the .json() function to use it as a JSON HTTP handler: const minizodExample = @me.minizodExampleSchema().impl(async ( { name }, ) => ({ text: `Hello, ${name}!` })).json() // <-- this part We can now call minizodExample through Val Town's API. Since we defined a schema for it, we know exactly the types of its arguments and return, which means we can generate type-safe code to call the API: let generatedApiCode = @zackoverflow.minizodFunctionGenerateTypescript( // put your username here "zackoverflow", "minizodExample", // put your auth token here "my auth token", @me.minizodExampleSchema(), ); This generates the following the code: export const fetchMinizodExample = async ( ...args: [{ name: string }] ): Promise<Awaited<Promise<{ text: string }>>> => await fetch(`https://api.val.town/v1/run/zackoverflow.minizodExample`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ args: [...args], }), headers: { Authorization: "Bearer ksafajslfkjal;kjf;laksjl;fajsdf", }, }).then((res) => res.json());