mayor of val town
Public vals
![stevekrouse avatar](https://images.clerk.dev/uploaded/img_2PqHa2Gsy93xQrjh2w78Xu0cChW.jpeg)
☔️ Umbrella reminder if there's rain today Setup Fork this val 👉 https://val.town/v/stevekrouse.umbrellaReminder/fork Customize the location (line 8). You can supply any free-form description of a location. ⚠️ Only works for US-based locations (where weather.gov covers). How it works Geocodes an free-form description of a location to latitude and longitude – @stevekrouse.nominatimSearch Converts a latitude and longitude to weather.gov grid – @stevekrouse.weatherGovGrid Gets the hourly forecast for that grid Filters the forecast for periods that are today and >30% chance of rain If there are any, it formats them appropriately, and sends me an email
![stevekrouse avatar](https://images.clerk.dev/uploaded/img_2PqHa2Gsy93xQrjh2w78Xu0cChW.jpeg)
Lookup a weather.gov grid by lat, lon Documentation: https://www.weather.gov/documentation/services-web-api Forecasts are created at each NWS Weather Forecast Office (WFO) on their own grid definition, at a resolution of about 2.5km x 2.5km. The API endpoint for the 12h forecast periods at a specific grid location is formatted as: https://api.weather.gov/gridpoints/{office}/{gridX},{gridY}/forecast For example: https://api.weather.gov/gridpoints/TOP/31,80/forecast To obtain the grid forecast for a point location, use the /points endpoint to retrieve the current grid forecast endpoint by coordinates: https://api.weather.gov/points/{latitude},{longitude} For example: https://api.weather.gov/points/39.7456,-97.0892
![stevekrouse avatar](https://images.clerk.dev/uploaded/img_2PqHa2Gsy93xQrjh2w78Xu0cChW.jpeg)
r2 wrapper Save blobs without leaving Val Town! Only for Val Town Pro users to limit abuse. We get 10gb free, so as long as nobody abuses this, I won't put any strict limits on it. If you want to use more than 10gb, let me know, and we can bill you for it. All data in this bucket is public if you know it's name! This val, @stevekrouse.r2, is the "SDK" for @stevekrouse.r2Proxy . Setup This val requires you to setup public key auth, which is really just three clicks here: https://blog.val.town/public-key-auth-val-town-users-can-be-your-users [Optional] You can setup a helper function so you don't have to pass your keys every time: let blob = (key, value) => @stevekrouse.r2(key, value, @me.exportedKeys) Warning: Do not make your blob function public or unlisted. That would allow anyone to use it. Usage await @me.blob("demo", { hello: "world" });
return @me.blob("demo"); // {hello: "world"} Example usage: https://www.val.town/v/stevekrouse.r2Demo