

Joined August 11, 2023
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Allows to publish a ntfy notification using a fluent builder configuration. Usage example import { ntfy } from "https://esm.town/v/xkonti/ntfy"; await ntfy() .toServer(Deno.env.get("ntfyServer")) .asUser(Deno.env.get("ntfyUser"), Deno.env.get("ntfyPassword")) .toTopic("testing") .withMessage("Hello there!") .withTitle("First test") .withViewAction("My website", "https://xkonti.tech") .withTags("package", "val-town") .withPriority("high") .publish(); ⚠️ For the notification to be sent it needs to be published ( publish function). Use helper Executes specified functions that can modify the notification. Can be used to streamline authentication, apply common operations, etc. import { ntfy } from "https://esm.town/v/xkonti/ntfy"; const toMyNtfyServer = (builder: ReturnType<typeof ntfy>) => { builder .toServer(Deno.env.get("ntfyServer")) .asUser(Deno.env.get("ntfyUser"), Deno.env.get("ntfyPassword")); }; await ntfy() .use(toMyNtfyServer) .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .publish(); You can pass it multiple functions. Functions toServer(url) - optional Specifies a server that the notification will be sent do. By default it's https://ntfy.sh . asUser(user, password) - optional Authenticates with the user and password. Please use ValTown's secrets for this. await ntfy() .asUser('user123', '12345') ... usingToken(token) - optional Authenticates using the provided token. Please use ValTown's secrets for this. await ntfy() .usingToken('some-token') ... toTopic(topic) - required Specifies which topic to publish the message to. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') ... withMessage(message, markdown) - required Specifies the main message of the notification. You can also flag it as markdown by passing true as a second argument. By default markdown is false . await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') ... await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('Your garage is **flooding**!', true) ... withTitle(title) - optional Sets the title of the notification. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withTitle('Garage') .withMessage('You left the front door open') ... withPriority(priority) - optional Sets the priority of the notification. Possible from lowest to highest priority: min , low , default , high , max await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withPriority('high') ... Alternatively you can use dedicated functions: .withMinPriority() , .withLowPriority() , .withDefaultPriority() , .withHighPriority() , .withMaxPriority() await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withHighPriority() ... withTags(...tags) - optional Sets tags of the notification. This overrides any previously existing tags. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withTags('door', 'safety') ... withDelay(delay) - optional Sets the delay for notification delivery. Read ntfy docs for more info. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withDelay('tomorrow, 10am') ... withViewAction(label, url, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that opens a website or app when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification url - URL to open when action is tapped clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withViewAction('View Val', 'https://www.val.town/v/xkonti/ntfy') ... withBroadcastAction(label, intent?, extras?, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that sends an Android broadcast intent when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification intent - Android intent name, default is io.heckel.ntfy.USER_ACTION extras - Android intent extras. clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withBroadcastAction('Selfie', 'Take picture', { 'cmd': 'pic' }) ... withHtmlAction(label, url, method?, headers?, body?, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that sends a HTTP request when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification url - URL to which the HTTP request will be sent method - HTTP method to use for request, default is POST headers - HTTP headers to pass in request. body - HTTP body as a string clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withHtmlAction( 'Self-destruct', 'https://self.destruct/initiate', 'POST', { 'Authentication': 'Bearer 123' }, '{"countdown":60}' ) ... withClickUrl(url) - optional Makes the notification open the specified URL when clicked (tapped). withRawAttachment(filename, filedata) - optional Attached a file to the notification. Only one file can be attached. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withRawAttachment('todo.txt', 'Nothing!') ... withUrlAttachment(url) - optional Attaches a file that is hosted elsewhere (URL). withIcon(url) - optional Sets an icon for the notification. viaEmail(email) - optional Sends the notification via email instead. viaPhoneCall(number) - optional Sends the notification via a phone call . The number defaults to yes , which makes it use the first phone number defined on your ntfy account. withoutCache() - optional Disables the cache for the notification. Read the docs on caching for more info. withoutFirebase() - optional Disables Firebase forwarding for the notification. Read the docs on Firebase for more info. withUnifiedPush() - optional Indicates intent of using the Unified Push for the notification. Read the docs on Unified Push for more info.
xkonti avatar
computeSchedule function Combines several schedule segments together to form a complete schedule for a 24-hour period. Parameters: scheduleSegments - An array of ScheduleSegment objects describing the daily loop. Returns: An array of TimeSpan objects representing the complete schedule for the device. TimeSpan type Represents a span of time with a starting point and a duration in minutes. DutyCycle type Represents the "on" state scheduling pattern for a device. It's similar to the concept of Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM). ScheduleSegment type A part of a complete schedule, describing a time frame with a specified duty cycle.
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computeScheduleSegment function Calculates the on/off time spans for a given schedule segment based on the duty cycle. Parameters: segment -A ScheduleSegment object describing the schedule. Returns: An array of TimeSpan objects representing the on times. TimeSpan type Represents a span of time with a starting point and a duration in minutes. DutyCycle type Represents the "on" state scheduling pattern for a device. It's similar to the concept of Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM). ScheduleSegment type A part of a complete schedule, describing a time frame with a specified duty cycle.
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Creates a new Date value with the specified hours , minutes and seconds .
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timeSpanUnion function Combines overlapping time spans into single time spans. Parameters: timespans - An array of TimeSpan objects to unify. Returns: An array of unified TimeSpan objects. TimeSpan type Represents a span of time with a starting point and a duration in minutes.
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'isInTimeSpan` function Checks if provided time is within the timeframe of the provided time span. Parameters: time - The date to check if it's within the time span. timespan - The time span to check the provided time against. Returns: A value indicating whether the provided time is within the provided time span. TimeSpan type Represents a span of time with a starting point and a duration in minutes.
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Calls the IFTTT Maker webhook. You can specify the name and need to provide your key. More info: https://ifttt.com/maker_webhooks
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Returns a list of posts and their related data for the specified dev.to author. It uses dev.to API.