Version 10
/** @jsxImportSource */
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "";
import { createRoot } from "";
const initialActions = [
id: 1,
area: "Night checks oversight of night shift/staff. IMMEDIATE",
required: "Delivery of care is seamless, safe and risk measured through sleeping hours, staff are aware of the needs, risks and safety measures of residents during night hours Staff are aware of their responsibility, role. Staff are guided, mentored and supported. Staff are supervised through a process of Improvement.",
toBeTaken: "Implement initial sleep/night time care plan ensure staff have full access. Nurse in charge to skill mix staff for duty. Unannounced night visits. Remote PCS oversight during night hours. Competency assessment for all night staff. Regular report monitoring written and discussed with the night team. Actions from the visits and reports followed up in a timely way. Review job description. Review routines for night duty.",
byWhom: "Nic Ciobanu Vincent Vhinyu External support (to be determined)",
completionDate: "Immediate On going. On going.",
evidence: [],
actionNotes: "",
id: 2,
area: "Safeguarding processes HIGH PRIORITY",
required: "Review policies. Review training to include reflective accounts. Review incident/reporting processes. Review low level process investigation. Review high level process including S42. Process in line with making safeguarding personal. Whistle blowing",
toBeTaken: "Initially review all safeguarding policies and staff inclusion and awareness of such. Review all safeguarding training in line with Knappe Cross inclusion Local Authority policy. Review the incident reporting processes within the care home guiding Vincent Vhinyu & staff in effective investigation processes, to include S42 processes. Train all levels of staff within Making safeguarding personal, low/high level referral process, actions following any possible safeguarding event. Review policy to include concern at work Process.",
byWhom: "Kim Gallagher Nic Ciobanu Vincent Vhinyu Knappe Cross Kim Gallagher",
completionDate: "25th Nov 2024. Immediate",
evidence: [],
actionNotes: "",
id: 3,
area: "Safety, identifying risks, risk measures IMMEDIATE PRIORITY",
required: "Deliver safe care, recognise and measure risks in a person-centred way",
toBeTaken: "Review all care plans/risk assessments. Profiles on internal PCS, generate a full one page profile accessible for staff via system so a holistic approach into risks and needs is clear, and easily followed.",
byWhom: "Fulcrum Nic Ciobanu Vincent Vhinyu Knappe Cross",
completionDate: "Immediate and on going commenced 9/11/24",
evidence: [],
actionNotes: "",
Updated: November 13, 2024