
Version 0

import { email } from "";
import { fetchJSON } from "";

* Ya kya hai? (What is this?)
* This is a script that fetches recent stock trades by members of the US Congress.
* It retrieves the latest stock transactions reported by politicians,
* filters for trades made since the last run, and emails a summary.
* @param {Object} options - Contains the last time the script was run
* @returns {Promise<void>} Sends an email if new stock trades are found
export async function fetchCongressTradeReports({ lastRunAt }) {
// Fetch the latest trade reports from Capitol Trades API
const res = await fetchJSON(

// Filter for stock trades reported since the last script run
const stockTradesReportedToday = => {
return (new Date(trade.pubDate) > lastRunAt
&& trade.asset.assetType === "stock");

// Format the trade details into a readable report
const reportings = stockTradesReportedToday
.map((trade) => {
return `
Politician: ${trade.politician.firstName + " " + trade.politician.lastName}
Party: ${}
Asset: ${trade.asset.assetTicker}
Transaction Type: ${trade.txType}
Transaction Date: ${trade.txDate}
Estimated value: ~\$${trade.value}
Updated: March 3, 2025