Version 42
import { createTidbytWorkoutsImage } from "";
import { setTidbytImage } from "";
import { weekWorkoutIcons } from "";
import { workedOutByDay } from "";
import { blob } from "";
export let updateTidbytWorkout = async (force: boolean = false) => {
const timezone = "America/Los_Angeles";
// byDay is a Record<"YYYY-MM-DD", truthy | falsy> that
// stores which days you worked out. Recommended to get
// the current and previous week of data.
// e.g.: {"2023-11-15": true, "2023-11-13": true}
const byDay = await workedOutByDay(timezone);
// icons is an Array with one icon type for each of the 7 days
// e.g.: ["done", "skipped", "done", "done", "today", "future", "future"]
const icons = weekWorkoutIcons(byDay, timezone);
// Don't update the image if it didn't change
let iconsCache: string[] | undefined;
try {
iconsCache = await blob.getJSON("tidbytWorkoutCache");
} catch (e) {
await blob.setJSON("tidbytWorkoutCache", icons);
if (!force && iconsCache && iconsCache.every((v, i) => v === icons[i])) {
console.log("No changes detected, skipping updating tidbyt app");
// img is the resulting jimp image
const img = await createTidbytWorkoutsImage(icons);
// Send the image to Tidbyt
Updated: September 6, 2024