Version 31
* This enhanced Doodle clone for DND scheduling now includes:
* - Immediate visibility of session availability upon entering a poll code
* - Simplified availability display with clear representation for unavailable days
* - Total response count and list of all respondents
* - Names of available people for each day with responses
* - Color-coded availability indicators
* - Grouped responses by date for clearer visualization
* The app uses React for the frontend and SQLite for data persistence.
* It features improved styling, interactive elements, and email functionality.
/** @jsxImportSource */
import confetti from "";
import { addDays, format, parse } from "";
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "";
import { createRoot } from "";
function App() {
const [name, setName] = useState("");
const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
const [groupCode, setGroupCode] = useState("");
const [groupName, setGroupName] = useState("");
const [availability, setAvailability] = useState({});
const [groupAvailability, setGroupAvailability] = useState({});
const [bestDate, setBestDate] = useState("");
const [isCreatingGroup, setIsCreatingGroup] = useState(false);
const [createdGroupCode, setCreatedGroupCode] = useState("");
const [createdGroupName, setCreatedGroupName] = useState("");
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const [message, setMessage] = useState("");
const [editToken, setEditToken] = useState("");
const [editLink, setEditLink] = useState("");
const [groupShareLink, setGroupShareLink] = useState("");
const [confirmNoEmail, setConfirmNoEmail] = useState(false);
Updated: August 26, 2024