
  • v6

    Open: Version
    Changes from v5 to v6
    ⦚ 63 unchanged lines ⦚

    return completion.choices[0].message.content;

    ⦚ 10 unchanged lines ⦚
    { values: [data] },
    ⦚ 12 unchanged lines ⦚

    export async function emailValHandler(email: Email) {
    console.log("Email received!", email.from, email.subject, email.text);

    const processedData = await processEmailWithAI(email.text);

    await logToGoogleSheet(processedData);
    ⦚ 63 unchanged lines ⦚


    return completion.choices[0].message.content;

    ⦚ 10 unchanged lines ⦚
    { values: [] },
    ⦚ 12 unchanged lines ⦚

    export async function emailValHandler(email: Email) {
    console.log("Email received!", email.from, email.subject);

    const processedData = await processEmailWithAI(email.text);


    await logToGoogleSheet(processedData);
  • v5

    Open: Version
    Changes from v4 to v5
    ⦚ 12 unchanged lines ⦚
    const SHEET_ID = "1LABuHTok0SbPc-0IO3ffHn-Ah_1fO76L_je_6A-COHg";

    // const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    // const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });
    const baseURL = `${SHEET_ID}/values`;
    ⦚ 86 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 12 unchanged lines ⦚
    const SHEET_ID = "1LABuHTok0SbPc-0IO3ffHn-Ah_1fO76L_je_6A-COHg";

    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    // const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });
    const baseURL = `${SHEET_ID}/values`;
    ⦚ 86 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v4

    Open: Version
    Changes from v3 to v4
    ⦚ 57 unchanged lines ⦚
    role: "system",
    "Extract key information from this email such as expenses, receipts, and invoices. Categorize the information.",
    { role: "user", content: emailContent },
    ⦚ 16 unchanged lines ⦚
    { values: [[Date(), Math.random(), 1]] },

    export default async function main(req: Request) {
    if (req.method !== "POST") {
    return new Response("Please send a POST request with email content", { status: 405 });

    // const emailContent = await req.text();
    // const processedData = await processEmailWithAI(emailContent);
    await logToGoogleSheet();

    return new Response("Email processed and logged successfully", { status: 200 });
    ⦚ 57 unchanged lines ⦚
    role: "system",
    "Extract key information from this email such as expenses, receipts, and invoices. Categorize the information so it can be added to a spreadsheet row with the following columns Date, Amount, Currency, Description, Category, Notes",
    { role: "user", content: emailContent },
    ⦚ 16 unchanged lines ⦚
    { values: [data] },

    // export default async function main(req: Request) {
    // if (req.method !== "POST") {
    // return new Response("Please send a POST request with email content", { status: 405 });
    // }

    // // const emailContent = await req.text();
    // // const processedData = await processEmailWithAI(emailContent);
    // await logToGoogleSheet();

    // return new Response("Email processed and logged successfully", { status: 200 });
    // }

    export async function emailValHandler(email: Email) {
    console.log("Email received!", email.from, email.subject, email.text);

    const processedData = await processEmailWithAI(email.text);

    await logToGoogleSheet(processedData);
  • v3

    Open: Version
    Changes from v2 to v3
    ⦚ 4 unchanged lines ⦚

    import { OpenAI } from "";
    import { google } from "npm:googleapis";

    const OPENAI_API_KEY = Deno.env.get("openai");
    const GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY = "your-google-sheets-api-key";
    const SHEET_ID = "1LABuHTok0SbPc-0IO3ffHn-Ah_1fO76L_je_6A-COHg";

    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    // const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });
    const baseURL = `${sheetID}/values`;

    async function fetchAccessToken() {
    ⦚ 68 unchanged lines ⦚

    const emailContent = await req.text();
    const processedData = await processEmailWithAI(emailContent);
    await logToGoogleSheet(processedData);

    return new Response("Email processed and logged successfully", { status: 200 });
    ⦚ 4 unchanged lines ⦚

    import { OpenAI } from "";
    // import { google } from "npm:googleapis";
    import { fetchJSON } from "";

    const OPENAI_API_KEY = Deno.env.get("openai");
    // const GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY = "your-google-sheets-api-key";
    const accountID = "apn_ygh4lKM";
    const SHEET_ID = "1LABuHTok0SbPc-0IO3ffHn-Ah_1fO76L_je_6A-COHg";

    // const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    // const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });
    const baseURL = `${SHEET_ID}/values`;

    async function fetchAccessToken() {
    ⦚ 68 unchanged lines ⦚

    // const emailContent = await req.text();
    // const processedData = await processEmailWithAI(emailContent);
    await logToGoogleSheet();

    return new Response("Email processed and logged successfully", { status: 200 });
  • v2

    Open: Version
    Changes from v1 to v2
    ⦚ 11 unchanged lines ⦚

    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });

    async function processEmailWithAI(emailContent: string) {
    const completion = await{
    model: "gpt-4",
    messages: [
    { role: "system", content: "Extract key information from this email such as expenses, receipts, and invoices. Categorize the information." },
    { role: "user", content: emailContent }
    ⦚ 3 unchanged lines ⦚

    async function logToGoogleSheet(data: string) {
    await sheets.spreadsheets.values.append({
    spreadsheetId: SHEET_ID,
    range: 'Sheet1',
    valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED',
    requestBody: {
    values: [[new Date().toISOString(), data]]

    export default async function main(req: Request) {
    if (req.method !== 'POST') {
    return new Response('Please send a POST request with email content', { status: 405 });

    const emailContent = await req.text();
    const processedData = await processEmailWithAI(emailContent);
    ⦚ 11 unchanged lines ⦚

    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    // const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });
    const baseURL = `${sheetID}/values`;

    async function fetchAccessToken() {
    const response = await fetch(
    headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${Deno.env.get("pipedream_api_key")}`,

    if (!response.ok) {
    throw new Error(`Error fetching access token: ${response.statusText}`);

    const { data } = await response.json();
    return data.credentials.oauth_access_token;

    async function makeSheetsRequest(url, method, body = null) {
    const accessToken = await fetchAccessToken();
    const options: RequestInit = {
    headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

    if (body) {
    options.body = JSON.stringify(body);
  • v1

    Open: Version
    Changes from v0 to v1
    ⦚ 6 unchanged lines ⦚
    import { google } from "npm:googleapis";

    const OPENAI_API_KEY = "your-openai-api-key";
    const GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY = "your-google-sheets-api-key";
    const SHEET_ID = "your-google-sheet-id";

    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });

    async function processEmailWithAI(emailContent: string) {
    ⦚ 33 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 6 unchanged lines ⦚
    import { google } from "npm:googleapis";

    const OPENAI_API_KEY = Deno.env.get("openai");
    const GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY = "your-google-sheets-api-key";
    const SHEET_ID = "1LABuHTok0SbPc-0IO3ffHn-Ah_1fO76L_je_6A-COHg";

    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });

    async function processEmailWithAI(emailContent: string) {
    ⦚ 33 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v0

    Open: Version

    // This approach will use the OpenAI API to process email content and extract key information.
    // We'll use the Google Sheets API to log the extracted information.
    // Tradeoffs: This implementation assumes the email content is already available and doesn't handle email fetching.
    // It also uses inline API keys for simplicity, which isn't ideal for security in a production environment.

    import { OpenAI } from "";
    import { google } from "npm:googleapis";

    const OPENAI_API_KEY = "your-openai-api-key";
    const GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY = "your-google-sheets-api-key";
    const SHEET_ID = "your-google-sheet-id";

    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY });
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: GOOGLE_SHEETS_API_KEY });

    async function processEmailWithAI(emailContent: string) {
    const completion = await{
    model: "gpt-4",
    messages: [
    { role: "system", content: "Extract key information from this email such as expenses, receipts, and invoices. Categorize the information." },
    { role: "user", content: emailContent }

    return completion.choices[0].message.content;

    async function logToGoogleSheet(data: string) {
    await sheets.spreadsheets.values.append({
    spreadsheetId: SHEET_ID,
    range: 'Sheet1',
    valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED',
    requestBody: {
    values: [[new Date().toISOString(), data]]
Updated: August 20, 2024