
Version 50

// This app uses the API to generate images based on user prompts.
// It features a clean UI with an input field for the prompt and a button to generate the image.
// The generated image is displayed below the input field.
// React is used for the UI and the serverless client for image generation.
// The app measures and displays the latency for each image generation.
// The background features randomly placed pixelart lightning bolts in neon yellow.

/** @jsxImportSource */
import * as fal from "";
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "";
import { createRoot } from "";
import { blob } from "";

// Constants for background
const GRID_SIZE = 100; // Size of each grid cell
const BOLT_CHANCE = 0.2; // 20% chance to place a bolt in each cell
const BOLT_SIZE = 40; // Width and height of each bolt
const DEFAULT_PROMPT = "green grass landscape with text \"\" is engraved, a townhouse in the background";
const RATE_LIMIT = 15; // requests per hour
const RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes in milliseconds

interface RateLimitData {
count: number;
firstRequest: number;

function LightningBolt({ x, y }) {
return (
<svg x={x} y={y} width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 10 10">
<path d="M5,0 L3,5 L6,5 L4,10 L7,5 L4,5 Z" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="#FFFF00" strokeWidth="0.5" />

function Background() {
Updated: August 28, 2024