Val Town is a social website to write and deploy JavaScript.
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karfau avatar

v1 tracks ms each test needs and for all tests and replaces _ in test names with spaces in the output.

karfau avatar

v2,v3 improve output to separate test result from name

karfau avatar

v4 adds the error stack to the output if the Error is not an "AssertionError" (protytpe name check)

karfau avatar

v5 fixes a regression in v4 and switches to a regexpr to see i the error is an assertion error

karfau avatar

v6 avoids duplicate output for errors

karfau avatar

v10 handle skip prefix v7-v9 debugging reference issue

kajgod avatar

hey, karfau, I'm interested to try the tester, but when I click references, it says "This val has not been referenced in public vals or your vals."

can you make at least one or two examples as public vals?

karfau avatar

@kajgod Just did that and added a note about two possible usage approaches in the readme.

Updated: December 10, 2023