andreterron avatar
Code on Val Town Adds a "Code on Val Town" ribbon to your page. This lets your website visitors navigate to the code behind it. This uses github-fork-ribbon-css under the hood. Usage Here are 2 different ways to add the "Code on Val Town" ribbon: 1. Wrap your fetch handler (recommended) import { modifyFetchHandler } from ""; import { html } from ""; export default modifyFetchHandler(async (req: Request): Promise<Response> => { return html(`<h2>Hello world!</h2>`); }); Example: @andreterron/openable_handler 2. Wrap your HTML string import { modifyHtmlString } from ""; import { html } from ""; export default async (req: Request): Promise<Response> => { return html(modifyHtmlString(`<h2>Hello world!</h2>`)); }; Example: @andreterron/openable_html Other ways We made sure this was very modular, so you can also add the ribbon using these methods: Get the element string directly: @andreterron/codeOnVT_ribbonElement Modify an HTTP Response: @andreterron/codeOnVT_modifyResponse Use .pipeThrough to append to a stream: @andreterron/InjectCodeOnValTownStream Customization Linking to the val These functions infer the val using the call stack or the request URL. If the inference isn't working, or if you want to ensure it links to a specific val, pass the val argument: modifyFetchHandler(handler, {val: { handle: "andre", name: "foo" }}) modifyHtmlString("<html>...", {val: { handle: "andre", name: "foo" }}) Styling You can set the style parameter to a css string to customize the ribbon. Check out github-fork-ribbon-css to learn more about how to style the element. modifyFetchHandler(handler, {style: ".github-fork-ribbon:before { background-color: #333; }"}) modifyHtmlString("<html>...", {style: ".github-fork-ribbon:before { background-color: #333; }"}) Here's how you can hide the ribbon on small screens: modifyFetchHandler(handler, {style: `@media (max-width: 768px) { .github-fork-ribbon { display: none !important; } }`}) To-dos [ ] Let users customize the ribbon. Some ideas are the text, color or placement.
stevekrouse avatar
SSR React Mini & SQLite Todo App This Todo App is server rendered and client-hydrated React. This architecture is a lightweight alternative to NextJS, RemixJS, or other React metaframeworks with no compile or build step. The data is saved server-side in Val Town SQLite . SSR React Mini Framework This "framework" is currently 44 lines of code, so it's obviously not a true replacement for NextJS or Remix. The trick is client-side importing the React component that you're server rendering . Val Town is uniquely suited for this trick because it both runs your code server-side and exposes vals as modules importable by the browser. The tricky part is making sure that server-only code doesn't run on the client and vice-versa. For example, because this val colocates the server-side loader and action with the React component we have to be careful to do all server-only imports (ie sqlite) dynamically inside the loader and action , so they only run server-side.
stevekrouse avatar
Server-side Render React Mini Framework This is very experimental, more of a prototype of an architecture, than a true framework Example:
std avatar
SQLite - Docs ↗ SQLite is a lightweight, standard database. Every Val Town account comes with its own private SQLite database that is accessible from any of your vals via std/sqlite . Val Town SQLite is powered by Turso . Usage Migrations ORMs We recommend these admin data viewers for managing your database – viewing or editing data or your database table schema: Outerbase Studio (recommended) - formely known as LibSQL Studio – see instructions here SQLite Explorer (built in Val Town) Limits You can store 10mb on the free plan and up to 1gb on the paid plan. Contact us if you need more space. 📝 Edit docs
Updated: September 8, 2024