• pomdtr avatar
    Forked from vladimyr/valshot
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  • roadlabs avatar
    Forked from janpaul123/valleBlogV0
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • pomdtr avatar
    Freeform Brings a taste of Observable to Val Town. This val was adapted from @tmcw obsidian plugin . Instead of using the display function, this port use export default . https://pomdtr-freeformServer.web.val.run/v/<author>/<name> or https://freeform.pomdtr.me/v/<author>/<name> Examples Bar Chart ( View Source )
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • pomdtr avatar
    Bookmarklet Manager Write your bookmarklets in val.town. Usage You val should just contain your bookmarklet code. alert("Hi mom!"); Make sure that your val is either unlisted or public, and not named bookmarklets . Then navigate to https://pomdtr-bookmarklets.web.val.run/v/:author/:name to generate the bookmarklet link. Sharing a bookmarklet Make sure that your val is public, and add a #bookmarklet tag anywhere in the code. alert("Hi mom!"); // #bookmarklet It should automatically appears on https://pomdtr-bookmarklets.web.val.run . ⚠️ If you are using the Arc Browser , you can use the Powerlet extension to install bookmarklets.
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • vladimyr avatar
    Forked from postpostscript/MyFooter
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • pomdtr avatar
    Awesome Val Town An curated list of useful community vals. Feel free to create your own awesome list! Apps @pomdtr/blob_editor @nbbaier/sqliteExplorerApp View and interact with your Val Town SQLite data. @pomdtr/http_client Attach a postman-like http client to your vals VS Code Extension vt Chrome Extension Tooling Authentication @pomdtr/basicAuth @pomdtr/email_auth @pomdtr/password_auth Sqlite @sqlite/db @pomdtr/sql @pomdtr/kv @postpostscript/sqliteUniverse Blob @stevekrouse/blobAdmin @pomdtr/lowdb Middleware @andreterron/codeOnValTown Testing @pomdtr/test_explorer Api @pomdtr/api @pomdtr/trpc Other @vladimyr/valshot @pomdtr/mdx @pomdtr/serve_readme OpenAI @pomdtr/ask_ai Web Components Val Town Playground CodeMirror
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • pomdtr avatar
    Cli Vals Cli vals are a new type of val (same as http, email, cron and script vals). A cli val must use a function without args as it's default export. The function body will run on the user device using deno . An error message will be shown if deno is not installed. export default function() { if (Deno.args.length == 0) { console.error("<name> arg is required!"); Deno.exit(1); } console.log(`Hey ${Deno.args[0]}!`); } Fork @pomdtr/example_cli to get started. Of course, you can use a cli framework to parse arguments (ex: cliffy ). Running a cli val Go to https://pomdtr-cli.web.val.run/v/<author>/<name>[?v=<version>] to get a runnable script for your val. You can pipe the script to a shell to test it curl 'https://pomdtr-cli.web.val.run/v/pomdtr/cli_example' | sh -s Steve Hello Steve! Or save it to your $PATH . # save the script to the ~/.local/bin folder curl 'https://pomdtr-cli.web.val.run/v/pomdtr/cli_example' > ~/.local/bin/cli_example # make the script executable chmod +x ~/.local/bin/cli_example # run the installed val cli_example Steve Allowing cli vals to access private resources Cli vals run on your device, so by default they can only access public/unlisted vals. You can set the DENO_AUTH_TOKENS env var in your shell config to allow deno to import private vals. export DENO_AUTH_TOKENS=<your-token>@esm.town Cli vals don't have access to val town tokens. Instead of trying to replicate your valtown secrets locally, you can configure your cli vals to call your http endpoints using fetch .
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • postpostscript avatar
    authMiddleware: middleware to protect your HTTP val Todo [ ] Human readable JWT claim validation errors
  • nbbaier avatar
    Forked from nbbaier/vtIdeaList
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • postpostscript avatar
    @postpostscript 's ideas [ ] betaify - fork a val and optionally its dependencies, then kill them all later [ ] import proxy removing or bundling any with .ts or .vue or whatever - in progress if you want to screw with it [ ] sync sqlite between accounts [x] provide read only query access to sqlite: @postpostscript/sqlitePublic [x] backup function that backs up everything on your account (still queryable through @postpostscript/sqliteUniverse): @postpostscript/sqliteBackup [ ] authenticated poll [ ] sign data left on other account to prevent impersonation [x] readme editor ( @postpostscript/readmeManager ) [ ] request wrapper/middleware to serve favicon [x] [multi-account sqlite query @postpostscript/sqliteUniverse [ ] UI to explore public queryable data [ ] val profiler [ ] zachlike game with Vals as the base [ ] choose your own adventure with editor and state stored in URL [ ] new blog post page [ ] doctest runner [ ] recipe manager + auto scheduler -- every week it tells you a list of recipes + a shopping list. you rate what you cook and it gets recommended later if you liked it
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • just_be avatar
    Forked from stevekrouse/switchbot_party
  • nbbaier avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by nbbaier
  • pomdtr avatar
    @jsxImportSource npm:hono/jsx
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  • kora avatar
    Forked from substrate/subaudio
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • pomdtr avatar
    @jsxImportSource npm:hono/jsx
  • mxdvl avatar
    A val to list other vals, very meta! You’re likely viewing this page generated from this very val… fork your own! Until folder sharing is supported, this may be the best way to point to specific vals?
    HTTP (deprecated)
May 30, 2024