• pomdtr avatar
    @jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/preact
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  • pomdtr avatar
    Val Town CDN If you only want to get the source of a val, you should use https://esm.town/ instead. Usage curl https://pomdtr-cdn.web.val.run/<author>/<name>.<extension>[?v=<version>] To see the code of this val, use https://pomdtr-cdn.web.val.run/pomdtr/cdn.ts Examples Fetching the val code $ curl https://pomdtr-cdn.web.val.run/pomdtr/add.tsx You can also use js , jsx and ts extension (only the content-type change, there is no transpilation). Fetching private val Pass an api token as an username $ curl "https://<token>@pomdtr-cdn.web.val.run/pomdtr/privateVal.ts" Fetching the val README $ curl https://pomdtr-cdn.web.val.run/pomdtr/add.md Getting an image $ curl https://pomdtr-cdn.web.val.run/pomdtr/add.png Fetching a specific version of a val $ curl https://pomdtr-cdn.web.val.run/pomdtr/cdn.ts?v=66 You need to be authenticated to use this method. Fetching the val metadata $ curl https://pomdtr-cdn.web.val.run/pomdtr/add.json
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • saolsen avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by saolsen
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  • heaversm avatar
    Forked from janpaul123/valleBlogV0
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  • pomdtr avatar
    Notebook Val This val automatically serves the codeblock it contains. Each codeblock is augmented with a set of properties ```html { name: "index.html" } <h1>Hello world</h1> ``` Properties follow JSON5 syntax . Currently only a name property is supported. Files Entrypoint <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>Page Title</title> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='main.css'> <link rel="icon" href="https://fav.farm/📔" /> <script src='main.js'></script> </head> <body> <h1>This whole val code is extracted from a README!</h1> <a href="https://www.val.town/v/pomdtr/notebook">View Val</a> </body> </html> Styling body { background-color: white; } h1 { color: red; } Script console.log("Hi from the readme")
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • starrnx avatar
    Forked from janpaul123/VALLE
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  • pomdtr avatar
    Markdoc Playground This readme is rendered using markdoc . {% val author="pomdtr" name="markdocReactExample" %}
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  • maxm avatar
    H🌳🌳P H-Tree-Tree-P https://maxm-htreetreep.web.val.run/
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  • vladimyr avatar
    Forked from postpostscript/sqlitePublic
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  • postpostscript avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by postpostscript
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  • stevekrouse avatar
    Server-side Render React Mini Framework This is very experimental, more of a prototype of an architecture, than a true framework Example: https://www.val.town/v/stevekrouse/TodoApp
  • roadlabs avatar
    Forked from janpaul123/valledrawclient
  • jxnblk avatar
    Forked from janpaul123/VALLE
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  • postpostscript avatar
    @postpostscript 's Val Town Blog Blog Posts: Ideas 2024-03-06 - Auth for Val Town 2024-03-09 - sqliteUniverse: Make SQLite Queries Against Multiple Endpoints in Deno (Val Town) (Part 1) 2024-03-09 - sqliteUniverse: Make SQLite Queries Against Multiple Endpoints in Deno (Val Town) (Part 2) Other Projects: 2024-02-25 - moduleHighlightValueLink: Link to a Val With a Value or Method's Code Highlighted 2024-02-28 - provideBlob: Return Response Quickly and Poll for the Expensive Parts 2024-03-02 - MyFooter: my footer component which shares random vals I've liked! 2024-03-16 - readmeManager: Edit Val Readmes With Persistent Drafts 2024-04-09 - reactiveStateBlob: wrap blob state in a proxy to autosave it on changes 2024-04-24 - lock: lock that releases when it leaves the execution context 2024-04-25 - fetchWorker: communicate with a worker over a fetch-like interface
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  • vladimyr avatar
    Forked from vladimyr/pipeResponse_example2
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  • pomdtr avatar
    Example Article More detail on the discovery mechanism here . Fork this val to create a new post!
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May 30, 2024