- Open: VersionChanges from v32 to v33+4-3⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚const filenameChanged = ref(false);const selected = ref(false);const blob = computed(() => {⦚ 4 unchanged lines ⦚</script><template>
<form class="left"><label>Prefix:⦚ 5 unchanged lines ⦚</form><form class="right"><label>Filename:<input v-model="filename" name="filename" @change="filenameChanged" /></label><button @click="saveAs(blob, filename)">Download as {{ filename }}</button>⦚ 59 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚const filenameChanged = ref(false);const selected = ref(false);const $textarea = ref();const blob = computed(() => {⦚ 4 unchanged lines ⦚</script><template><form class="left" @submit.stop="generate(); $textarea.select()"><label>Prefix:⦚ 5 unchanged lines ⦚</form><form class="right" @submit.stop="saveAs(blob, filename)"><label>Filename:<input v-model="filename" name="filename" @change="filenameChanged" /></label><button>Download as {{ filename }}</button>⦚ 59 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v31 to v32+1-1⦚ 113 unchanged lines ⦚Check the <a href="${getRedirectUrl(import.meta.url, "GenerateJWKSEnv")
}">source code</a> to make sure I'm not stealing your keys.</li><li>⦚ 18 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 113 unchanged lines ⦚Check the <a href="${getRedirectUrl(import.meta.url, "GenerateJWKSEnv")}">source code</a> to make sure I'm not stealing your keys 😊</li><li>⦚ 18 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v30 to v31+6-0import { htmlResponse, Layout } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/htmlComponentLibrary";
import { vueSfcInline } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/vue";export const GenerateJWKSEnv = vueSfcInline`⦚ 105 unchanged lines ⦚<h2>Steps</h2><ol><li>Click "Download as [filename]"⦚ 17 unchanged lines ⦚import { htmlResponse, Layout } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/htmlComponentLibrary";import { getRedirectUrl } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/moduleHighlightValueLink";import { vueSfcInline } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/vue";export const GenerateJWKSEnv = vueSfcInline`⦚ 105 unchanged lines ⦚<h2>Steps</h2><ol><li>Check the <a href="${getRedirectUrl(import.meta.url, "GenerateJWKSEnv")}">source code</a> to make sure I'm not stealing your keys.</li><li>Click "Download as [filename]"⦚ 17 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v29 to v30+0-5⦚ 86 unchanged lines ⦚text-align: right;}
.right {input {float: right;}}label {⦚ 40 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 86 unchanged lines ⦚text-align: right;}label {⦚ 40 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v28 to v29+1-1⦚ 88 unchanged lines ⦚.right {input {
float: rigth;}}⦚ 42 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 88 unchanged lines ⦚.right {input {float: right;}}⦚ 42 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v27 to v28+5-0⦚ 86 unchanged lines ⦚text-align: right;}label {⦚ 40 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 86 unchanged lines ⦚text-align: right;}.right {input {float: rigth;}}label {⦚ 40 unchanged lines ⦚
- Open: VersionChanges from v26 to v27+1-1⦚ 121 unchanged lines ⦚</li><li>
Upload the file you just downloaded.</li><li>⦚ 4 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 121 unchanged lines ⦚</li><li>Upload the file you just downloaded</li><li>⦚ 4 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v25 to v26+0-1⦚ 94 unchanged lines ⦚input {margin-right: 0;
width: 100%;}⦚ 32 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 94 unchanged lines ⦚input {margin-right: 0;}⦚ 32 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: Version+131-0import { htmlResponse, Layout } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/htmlComponentLibrary";import { vueSfcInline } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/vue";export const GenerateJWKSEnv = vueSfcInline`<script setup lang="ts">import { ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";import { exportJWK, generateKeyPair } from "https://esm.sh/jose@v5.2.2";import fileSaver from "https://esm.sh/file-saver@v2.0.5";const { default: saveAs } = fileSaver;function outputKey(key) {return JSON.stringify({keys: [{alg: alg.value,...key,}]})}async function generate() {const { publicKey, privateKey } = await generateKeyPair(alg.value, {extractable: true,});publicJWK.value = await exportJWK(publicKey)privateJWK.value = await exportJWK(privateKey)file.value = \`\${prefix.value}_PUBLIC=\${outputKey(publicJWK.value)}\${prefix.value}_PRIVATE=\${outputKey(privateJWK.value)}\`.trim()if (!filenameChanged.value) {filename.value = prefix.value + ".env";
Updated: March 6, 2024