
  • v51

    Open: Version
    Changes from v50 to v51
    ⦚ 90 unchanged lines ⦚
    audience: HANDLER_NAME,
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `@${author}/authId/id`;
    ⦚ 124 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 90 unchanged lines ⦚
    audience: HANDLER_NAME,
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `@${author}/authId/id`;
    ⦚ 124 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v50

    Open: Version
    Changes from v49 to v50
    ⦚ 9 unchanged lines ⦚
    import { email } from "";

    const { slug, httpEndpoint: ENDPOINT } = extractValInfo(import.meta.url);
    export const NAME = "@" + slug;
    export const COOKIE_NAME = "AUTH_ID_TOKEN";
    ⦚ 77 unchanged lines ⦚
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `@${author}/id`;
    return Response.json(payload);
    ⦚ 41 unchanged lines ⦚
    verifyToken(qs.get("token"), "signin");
    cookie = await createToken({
    scope: "auth",
    aud: NAME,
    ⦚ 69 unchanged lines ⦚
    await createToken({
    aud: [name, "@postpostscript/callbackRequest"],
    scope: "id @postpostscript/callbackRequest",
    return Response.redirect(redirectURL + "?" + redirectQS.toString());
    ⦚ 9 unchanged lines ⦚
    import { email } from "";

    const { author: AUTHOR, slug, httpEndpoint: ENDPOINT } = extractValInfo(import.meta.url);
    export const NAME = "@" + slug;
    export const COOKIE_NAME = "AUTH_ID_TOKEN";
    ⦚ 77 unchanged lines ⦚
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `@${author}/authId/id`;
    return Response.json(payload);
    ⦚ 41 unchanged lines ⦚
    verifyToken(qs.get("token"), "signin");
    cookie = await createToken({
    scope: `${NAME}/auth`,
    aud: NAME,
    ⦚ 69 unchanged lines ⦚
    await createToken({
    aud: [name, `@${AUTHOR}/callback`],
    scope: `@${NAME}/id @${AUTHOR}/callback/request`,
    return Response.redirect(redirectURL + "?" + redirectQS.toString());
  • v49

    Open: Version
    Changes from v48 to v49
    ⦚ 91 unchanged lines ⦚
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `${author}/id`;
    return Response.json(payload);
    ⦚ 123 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 91 unchanged lines ⦚
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `@${author}/id`;
    return Response.json(payload);
    ⦚ 123 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v48

    Open: Version
    Changes from v47 to v48
    ⦚ 91 unchanged lines ⦚
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `${author}/authId`
    return Response.json(payload)
    } catch (e) {
    console.log("error while parsing token qs", e)
    ⦚ 119 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 91 unchanged lines ⦚
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `${author}/id`;
    return Response.json(payload);
    } catch (e) {
    console.log("error while parsing token qs", e);
    ⦚ 119 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v47

    Open: Version
    Changes from v46 to v47
    ⦚ 86 unchanged lines ⦚

    if (qs.get("token")) {
    const payload = await verifyThirdParty(qs.get("token"), {
    audience: HANDLER_NAME,
    }, "id");
    return Response.json(payload)

    ⦚ 118 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 86 unchanged lines ⦚

    if (qs.get("token")) {
    try {
    const payload = await verifyThirdParty(qs.get("token"), {
    audience: HANDLER_NAME,
    }, (payload) => {
    const author = payload.iss?.match(/^@(\w+)\/\w+$/)?.[1];
    return `${author}/authId`
    return Response.json(payload)
    } catch (e) {
    console.log("error while parsing token qs", e)

    ⦚ 118 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v46

    Open: Version
    Changes from v45 to v46
    ⦚ 89 unchanged lines ⦚
    audience: HANDLER_NAME,
    }, "id");

    // cookie ??= getAuthCookie(req);
    ⦚ 117 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 89 unchanged lines ⦚
    audience: HANDLER_NAME,
    }, "id");
    return Response.json(payload)

    // cookie ??= getAuthCookie(req);
    ⦚ 117 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v45

    Open: Version
    Changes from v44 to v45
    ⦚ 89 unchanged lines ⦚
    audience: HANDLER_NAME,
    }, "id");
    const token = await createToken({
    scope: "requestAuth",
    aud: [NAME, HANDLER_NAME],
    const redirectQS = new URLSearchParams();
    redirectQS.set("redirect", HANDLER_NAME);
    redirectQS.set("requestToken", token);
    return Response.redirect(ENDPOINT + "/?" + redirectQS.toString());
    try {
    } catch (e) {
    console.log("signin token validation failed", e);

    cookie ??= getAuthCookie(req);
    ⦚ 102 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 89 unchanged lines ⦚
    audience: HANDLER_NAME,
    }, "id");

    // cookie ??= getAuthCookie(req);

    // const token = await createToken({
    // scope: "requestAuth",
    // aud: [NAME, HANDLER_NAME],
    // });
    // const redirectQS = new URLSearchParams();
    // redirectQS.set("redirect", HANDLER_NAME);
    // redirectQS.set("requestToken", token);
    // return Response.redirect(ENDPOINT + "/?" + redirectQS.toString());
    // try {
    // } catch (e) {
    // console.log("signin token validation failed", e);
    // }
    ⦚ 102 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v44

    Open: Version
    Changes from v43 to v44
    ⦚ 91 unchanged lines ⦚
    const token = await createToken({
    scope: "requestAuth",
    aud: NAME,
    const redirectQS = new URLSearchParams();
    ⦚ 114 unchanged lines ⦚
    ⦚ 91 unchanged lines ⦚
    const token = await createToken({
    scope: "requestAuth",
    aud: [NAME, HANDLER_NAME],
    const redirectQS = new URLSearchParams();
    ⦚ 114 unchanged lines ⦚
  • v43

    Open: Version

    import { getCookies, setCookie } from "";
    import type { JWTVerifyOptions } from "";
    import { rootValRef } from "";
    import { extractValInfo } from "";
    import { html, htmlResponse, Layout } from "";
    import { generate, verify, verifyThirdParty } from "";
    import { getValEndpointFromUrl, getValUrlFromName } from "";
    import { format } from "";
    import type { MaybePromise } from "";
    import { email } from "";

    const { slug, httpEndpoint: ENDPOINT } = extractValInfo(import.meta.url);
    export const NAME = "@" + slug;
    export const COOKIE_NAME = "AUTH_ID_TOKEN";

    export function setAuthCookie(res: Response, token: string) {
    setCookie(res.headers, {
    name: COOKIE_NAME,
    value: token,
    httpOnly: true,
    secure: true,
    sameSite: "Lax",

    export function getAuthCookie(req: Request) {
    return getCookies(req.headers)[COOKIE_NAME];

    export function createToken(
    payload: {
    sub?: string;
    scope: string;
    aud?: string | string[];
    nbf?: number;
    iat?: number;
Updated: March 3, 2024