• postpostscript avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by postpostscript
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • postpostscript avatar
    authIdUserGuide: steps necessary to sign in as you to HTTP vals which support this pattern Required Val: @[your username/authId Fork @postpostscript/authId Required Val: @[your username/jwks Setup Fork @postpostscript/jwks Set JWKS Environment Variables Go to https://postpostscript-generatejwksenv.web.val.run/?prefix=JWKS Follow the steps there with the prefix "JWKS" Test it out! Go to this val's endpoint Enter your username and click "Go to Your Sign In Page" You are now on your sign in page that you completely control ! Click "Send Sign In Link to My Email" Check for an email with the subject line "Sign In Request" and click the "Sign In" link Review the permissions that the val has asked for. The only token scope that is currently required is "@[your username]/authId/id". If a val has requested any others, you may optionally accept them here Click "Provide Access" You are now signed in!
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • postpostscript avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by postpostscript
    HTTP (deprecated)
March 2, 2024