HTTP (deprecated)
  • saolsen avatar
    Opentelemetry Tracing for Vals! Enables Opentelemetry tracing for vals. Exports two functions, init and traced_handler . init will set up opentelemetry. For how to use it see this example val . By default, traces log to the console but if you set HONEYCOMB_API_KEY it'll also push the traces to honeycomb. In the future we can add more export targets for other services. I'm also thinking about making a val to display them. traced_handler is a wrapper for your handler you can use on an HTTP val. Just pass it your HTTP function and export it as the default and it'll trace every request. Here's a screenshot of what the honeycomb view of a trace from my connect playing val looks like.
  • saolsen avatar
    Plausible analytics Call track with the domain you set up in plausible and the request. I've been using saolsen.val-name . Note that there is no auth for the plausible events API, so if somebody forks the val it'll still work but track all their val page loads in your dashboard which is kinda weird but also kinda cool, idk. See for how to use.
December 27, 2023