Render form and save data This val provides a web-based interface for collecting email addresses. It features a dual-functionality approach: when accessed via a web browser using a GET request, it serves an HTML form where users can submit their email address. If the script receives a POST request, it implies that the form has been submitted, and it proceeds to handle the incoming data. Fork this val to customize it and use it on your account.
Password Auth Middleware Protect your vals behind a password. Use session cookies to persist authentication. Usage import { passwordAuth } from "";
export default passwordAuth(() => {
return new Response("OK");
}, { verifyPassword: (password) => password == Deno.env.get("VAL_PASSWORD") }); If you want to use an api token to authenticate: import { passwordAuth } from "";
import { verifyToken } from "";
export default passwordAuth(() => {
return new Response("OK");
}, { verifyPassword: verifyToken }); TODO [x] allow to authenticate using a val town token [ ] add a way to send an email to ask a password from the val owner [ ] automatically extend the session [ ] automatically remove expired sessions FAQ How to sign out ? Navigate to <your-site>/signout .
Part of Val Town Semantic Search . Uses Turso to search embeddings of all vals, using the sqlite-vss extension. Call OpenAI to generate an embedding for the search query. Query the vss_vals_embeddings table in Turso using vss_search . The vss_vals_embeddings table has been generated by janpaul123/indexValsTurso . It is not run automatically. This table is incomplete due to a bug in Turso .
Slack scout sends a slack notification every time your keywords are mentioned on Twitter, Hacker News, or Reddit. Get notified whenever you, your company, or topics of interest are mentioned online. Built with Browserbase . Inspired by . Full code tutorial . Getting Started To run Slack Scout, you’ll need a Browserbase API key Slack Webhook URL: setup here Twitter Developer API key Browserbase Browserbase is a developer platform to run, manage, and monitor headless browsers at scale. We’ll use Browserbase to navigate to, and scrape our different news sources. We’ll also use Browserbase’s Proxies to ensure we simulate authentic user interactions across multiple browser sessions . Get started with Browserbase for free here . Twitter We’ve decided to use the Twitter API to include Twitter post results. It costs $100 / month to have a Basic Twitter Developer account. If you decide to use Browserbase, we can lend our token. Comment below for access. Once you have the SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL , BROWSERBASE_API_KEY , and TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN , input all of these as Val Town Environment Variables . Project created by Sarah Chieng and Alex Phan 💌
Updated: April 3, 2024