- Open: VersionChanges from v30 to v31+23-9⦚ 32 unchanged lines ⦚try {const response = await fetch(`/run?operation=${operation}`, {
method: 'POST',headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json',},body: JSON.stringify({ apiKey }),⦚ 10 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><p>This val is attempting to clone <a href="">this python notebook</a>,but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. There's a chance I misunderstand how to cache things or <a href="">I found a bug</a> in that original notebook. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p><a href={import.meta.url.replace("", "")}>View Source on Val Town</a>⦚ 23 unchanged lines ⦚<h2>Multi-turn Conversation Output:</h2><pre>{loading.multiTurn ? "Loading..." : outputs.multiTurn}</pre></div>);⦚ 26 unchanged lines ⦚result = await runNonCachedCall(apiKey);} else if (operation === "cachedCall") {result = await runCachedCall(apiKey);} else if (operation === "multiTurn") {⦚ 76 unchanged lines ⦚const startTime =;const response = await client.messages.create({model: MODEL_NAME,max_tokens: 300,⦚ 32 unchanged lines ⦚try {const response = await fetch(`/run?operation=${operation}`, {method: "POST",headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json",},body: JSON.stringify({ apiKey }),⦚ 10 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><p>This val is attempting to clone{" "}<a href="">this python notebook</a>, but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. There's a chance I misunderstandhow to cache things or <a href="">I found a bug</a>{" "}in that original notebook. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p><a href={import.meta.url.replace("", "")}>View Source on Val Town</a>⦚ 23 unchanged lines ⦚<h2>Multi-turn Conversation Output:</h2><pre>{loading.multiTurn ? "Loading..." : outputs.multiTurn}</pre></div>);⦚ 26 unchanged lines ⦚result = await runNonCachedCall(apiKey);} else if (operation === "cachedCall") {await runCachedCall(apiKey);result = await runCachedCall(apiKey);} else if (operation === "multiTurn") { - Open: VersionChanges from v29 to v30+1-1⦚ 50 unchanged lines ⦚<h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><p>This val is attempting to clone <a href="">this python notebook</a>,
but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p><a href={import.meta.url.replace("", "")}>View Source on Val Town</a>⦚ 258 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 50 unchanged lines ⦚<h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><p>This val is attempting to clone <a href="">this python notebook</a>,but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. There's a chance I misunderstand how to cache things or <a href="">I found a bug</a> in that original notebook. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p><a href={import.meta.url.replace("", "")}>View Source on Val Town</a>⦚ 258 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v28 to v29+1-1⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1>
<p>This val is attempting to clone <a target="_blank" href="">this python notebook</a>,but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p>⦚ 259 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><p>This val is attempting to clone <a href="">this python notebook</a>,but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p>⦚ 259 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v27 to v28+1-1⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1>
<p>This val is attempting to clone <a href="">this python notebook</a>,but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p>⦚ 259 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><p>This val is attempting to clone <a target="_blank" href="">this python notebook</a>,but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p>⦚ 259 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v26 to v27+2-0⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1>
<p><a href={import.meta.url.replace("", "")}>View Source on Val Town</a></p>⦚ 257 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><p>This val is attempting to clone <a href="">this python notebook</a>,but so far I haven't been able to get verified cache writes and reads. Help is appreciated! Email or DM me on Twitter.</p><p><a href={import.meta.url.replace("", "")}>View Source on Val Town</a></p>⦚ 257 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v25 to v26+4-3⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1>
<div><inputtype="password"⦚ 19 unchanged lines ⦚<h2>Multi-turn Conversation Output:</h2><pre>{loading.multiTurn ? "Loading..." : outputs.multiTurn}</pre><p><a href={import.meta.url.replace("", "")}>View Source</a></p></div>);⦚ 230 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 49 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><p><a href={import.meta.url.replace("", "")}>View Source on Val Town</a></p><div><inputtype="password"⦚ 19 unchanged lines ⦚<h2>Multi-turn Conversation Output:</h2><pre>{loading.multiTurn ? "Loading..." : outputs.multiTurn}</pre></div>);⦚ 230 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v24 to v25+2-2⦚ 48 unchanged lines ⦚return (<div>
<h1>Interactive AI Demo</h1><div><input⦚ 67 unchanged lines ⦚<html><head><title>Interactive AI Demo</title><style>${css}</style></head>⦚ 185 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 48 unchanged lines ⦚return (<div><h1>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</h1><div><input⦚ 67 unchanged lines ⦚<html><head><title>Anthropic Caching JS Demo</title><style>${css}</style></head>⦚ 185 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v23 to v24+52-31/**
* This val creates an interactive webpage that demonstrates the functionality of the Python notebook.* It uses a React frontend with buttons to trigger different operations, and a backend to handle API calls.* Each operation is independent and doesn't rely on a "setup" step.*/⦚ 3 unchanged lines ⦚function App() {const [outputs, setOutputs] = useState({fetchContent: "",⦚ 10 unchanged lines ⦚const runOperation = async (operation: string) => {setLoading(prev => ({ ...prev, [operation]: true }));try {const response = await fetch(`/run?operation=${operation}`);const result = await response.text();setOutputs(prev => ({ ...prev, [operation]: result }));⦚ 7 unchanged lines ⦚<div><h1>Interactive AI Demo</h1><div><button onClick={() => runOperation("fetchContent")} disabled={loading.fetchContent}>Fetch Content</button>⦚ 32 unchanged lines ⦚if (url.pathname === "/run") {const operation = url.searchParams.get("operation");let result = "";if (operation === "fetchContent") {result = await fetchContent();} else if (operation === "nonCachedCall") {await runNonCachedCall();/*** This val creates an interactive webpage that demonstrates the functionality of the Anthropic API.* It uses a React frontend with an input for the API key and buttons to trigger different operations.* The Anthropic API key is stored in the frontend state and sent with each API request.*/⦚ 3 unchanged lines ⦚function App() {const [apiKey, setApiKey] = useState("");const [outputs, setOutputs] = useState({fetchContent: "",⦚ 10 unchanged lines ⦚const runOperation = async (operation: string) => {if (!apiKey) {alert("Please enter your Anthropic API key first.");return;}setLoading(prev => ({ ...prev, [operation]: true }));try {const response = await fetch(`/run?operation=${operation}`, {method: 'POST',headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json',},body: JSON.stringify({ apiKey }),});const result = await response.text();setOutputs(prev => ({ ...prev, [operation]: result }));⦚ 7 unchanged lines ⦚<div> - Open: Version+289-0/*** This val creates an interactive webpage that demonstrates the functionality of the Python notebook.* It uses a React frontend with buttons to trigger different operations, and a backend to handle API calls.* Each operation is independent and doesn't rely on a "setup" step.*//** @jsxImportSource */import React, { useState } from "";import { createRoot } from "";function App() {const [outputs, setOutputs] = useState({fetchContent: "",nonCachedCall: "",cachedCall: "",multiTurn: "",});const [loading, setLoading] = useState({fetchContent: false,nonCachedCall: false,cachedCall: false,multiTurn: false,});const runOperation = async (operation: string) => {setLoading(prev => ({ ...prev, [operation]: true }));try {const response = await fetch(`/run?operation=${operation}`);const result = await response.text();setOutputs(prev => ({ ...prev, [operation]: result }));} catch (error) {setOutputs(prev => ({ ...prev, [operation]: `Error: ${error.message}` }));}setLoading(prev => ({ ...prev, [operation]: false }));};
Updated: October 18, 2024