• kos0616 avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by kos0616
  • stevekrouse avatar
    Twitter 𝕏 keyword Alerts Custom notifications for when you, your company, or anything you care about is mentioned on Twitter. 1. Authentication You'll need a Twitter Bearer Token. Follow these instructions to get one. Unfortunately it costs $100 / month to have a Basic Twitter Developer account. If you subscribe to Val Town Pro, I can let you "borrow" my token. Just comment on this val and I'll hook you up. 2. Query Change the query variable for what you want to get notified for. You can use Twitter's search operators to customize your query, for some collection of keywords, filtering out others, and much more! 3. Notification Below I'm sending these mentions to a private channel in our company Discord, but you can customize that to whatever you want, @std/email, Slack, Telegram, whatever. TODO [x] ~Filter out retweets. We've long wanted to filter these out. Should be a quick fix if anyone wants to send me a PR :)~ Completed by @sumukh
  • alvi avatar
    This val is part of the SteamPlaytimeHistory project which consists of logging your recently played games on steam everyday through valve's API. I wanted to log this data so I can analyse which days do I game the most ? which periods do I log the most hours in my confort game (Dead By Daylight) ? And so on. I think the data viz possibilities are super interesting, just like when Valve releases the "Steam in review" at the end of the year This val fetches your recent playtime history from valve's API and stores it in a database every day ! The project uses multiple vals to work: First you need to create the table to store the data: https://www.val.town/v/alvi/SteamPlaytimeHistory_createPlayHistoryTable You can then interact with the table using this drizzle schema: https://www.val.town/v/alvi/SteamPlaytimeHistory_playHistorySchema Optionnaly, you can backup your data with a csv file in your email every month: https://www.val.town/v/alvi/SteamPlaytimeHistory_exportDbToEmail Finally, you can run this val every day (or more) to log the data to the sqlite table To run this project, you'll need: A steam web api key: https://steamcommunity.com/login/home/?goto=%2Fdev%2Fapikey SteamID of the user (profile needs to be public) Discord websocket url (for error messages)
September 3, 2024