• stevekrouse avatar
    Val Town Blog RSS Feed View live at: https://stevekrouse-blogRSS.web.val.run This val returns an RSS feed of the Val Town Blog . Architecture Fetch and parse the HTML of https://blog.val.town – @stevekrouse.valTownBlogJSON. Create an RSS string out of that array of blog objects – @stevekrouse.valTownBlogRSS. Expose an endpoint that returns that RSS , with appropriate content-type and cache headers – this val, @stevekrouse.blogRSS Notes This is very inefficient. It refetches and re-parses blog.val.town on every single request, modulo some caching via the headers. It would be much more efficient to cache the results of fetching and parsing the Val Town blog, and then only re-fetch it every 10 minutes or so. Instead of fetching and parsing HTML from super.so, we could get this same data from Notion's API, with a val like @stevekrouse.notionGetDatabase.
October 23, 2023