- Open: VersionChanges from v15 to v16+1-1⦚ 67 unchanged lines ⦚export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(
``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);⦚ 34 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 67 unchanged lines ⦚export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);⦚ 34 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v14 to v15+1-1⦚ 67 unchanged lines ⦚export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(
``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);⦚ 34 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 67 unchanged lines ⦚export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);⦚ 34 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v13 to v14+1-1import { customAlphabet } from "npm:nanoid";const nanoid = customAlphabet("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", 10);const baseUrl = "";
async function doodstream(ctx: Context) {let url = ctx.url;if (ctx.url.includes("primewire")) {⦚ 99 unchanged lines ⦚import { customAlphabet } from "npm:nanoid";const nanoid = customAlphabet("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", 10);const baseUrl = "";export async function doodstream(ctx: Context) {let url = ctx.url;if (ctx.url.includes("primewire")) {⦚ 99 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v12 to v13+68-14export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(⦚ 34 unchanged lines ⦚interface Context {url: string;
}// const context: Context = { url: "" };// async function main() {// try {// const result = await streamtape(context);// console.log(result);// } catch (error) {// console.error("Error:", error);// }// }// main();import { customAlphabet } from "npm:nanoid";const nanoid = customAlphabet("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", 10);const baseUrl = "";async function doodstream(ctx: Context) {let url = ctx.url;if (ctx.url.includes("primewire")) {const request = await fetch(ctx.url);}const id = url.split("/d/")[1] || url.split("/e/")[1];const doodDataReq = await fetch(``+ encodeURIComponent(`${baseUrl}/e/${id}`),{method: "GET",},);const doodData = await doodDataReq.text();console.log(doodData);const dataForLater = doodData.match(/\?token=([^&]+)&expiry=/)?.[1];const path = doodData.match(/\$\.get\('\/pass_md5([^']+)/)?.[1];const thumbnailTrack = doodData.match(/thumbnails:\s\{\s*vtt:\s'([^']*)'/);console.log(path);const doodPageReq = await fetch(``+ encodeURIComponent(`${baseUrl}/pass_md5${path}`),{headers: {Referer: `${baseUrl}/e/${id}`,},method: "GET",},);const doodPage = await doodPageReq.text();const downloadURL = `${doodPage}${nanoid()}?token=${dataForLater}&expiry=${}`; - Open: VersionChanges from v11 to v12+1-1export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(
``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);⦚ 47 unchanged lines ⦚export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);⦚ 47 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v10 to v11+1-1export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(
``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);⦚ 47 unchanged lines ⦚export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);⦚ 47 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v9 to v10+1-1export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(``
+ ctx.url,);const embed = await _embed.text();⦚ 46 unchanged lines ⦚export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(``+ encodeURIComponent(ctx.url),);const embed = await _embed.text();⦚ 46 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v8 to v9+4-1export async function streamtape(ctx) {
const _embed = await fetch(ctx.url);const embed = await _embed.text();⦚ 45 unchanged lines ⦚export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(``+ ctx.url,);const embed = await _embed.text();⦚ 45 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: Version+49-0export async function streamtape(ctx) {const _embed = await fetch(ctx.url);const embed = await _embed.text();const match = embed.match(/robotlink'\)\.innerHTML = '(.*)'/);if (!match) throw new Error("No match found");const [fh, sh] = match[1].split("+ ('");if (!fh || !sh) throw new Error("No match found");const url = `https:${fh.replace(/'/g, "").trim()}${sh.substring(3).trim()}`;return {stream: [{id: "primary",type: "file",flags: [],captions: [],qualities: {unknown: {type: "mp4",url,},},headers: {Referer: "",},},],};}interface Context {url: string;}
Updated: August 3, 2024