Telegram DALLE Bot A personal telegram bot you can message to create images with OpenAI's DALLE ✨ Set up yours fork this val speak to telegram’s to create a bot and obtain a bot token set the bot token as a val town secret called telegramDalleBotToken add a random string as a val town secret called telegramDalleBotWebhookSecret set up your webhook with telegram like this: // paste and run this in your workspace on here
@vtdocs.telegramSetWebhook(@me.secrets.telegramDalleBotToken, {
url: /* your fork's express endpoint (click the three dots on a val) */,
allowed_updates: ["message"],
secret_token: @me.secrets.telegramDalleBotWebhookSecret,
}); message your bot some prompts! (if you get stuck, you can refer to the telegram echo bot guide from