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Github API examples & templates

Use these vals as a playground to view and fork Github API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
blur avatar
Forked from stevekrouse/forwarder
kaleidawave avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
For the future playground for the Ezno type checker: Can save an id for a content and recall content from an id (thus acting as a sort of compressor) Inspired by how the shares playgrounds. (However uses a SQL-lite db hosted by Valtown rather than GitHub gists)
tmcw avatar
xastscript xastscript is a great way to safely generate XML from within JavaScript - it provides a sort of 'Domain Specific Language' for building XML trees, and then you can encode that into XML using xast-util-to-xml . For example, we at Val Town use xastscript and these utilities to generate our sitemap.xml file for Google to discover vals.
saolsen avatar
Example of how to use a rust val. See This Gist for how to build rust vals. And for the output val we are using.
nbbaier avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by nbbaier
pomdtr avatar
Val Town Adapter for lowdb @std/blob is used as a lowdb sync. See @pomdtr/lowdb_example for example usage.
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Val Town Typescript Spec This val return an up-to-date typescript version of the openapi spec for usage with a feTS client. Usage Deno script import { createClient, type NormalizeOAS } from "npm:fets"; import openapi from ""; export const client = createClient<NormalizeOAS<typeof openapi>>({ endpoint: openapi.servers[0].url, });
stevekrouse avatar
Forked from maas/forwarder
natashatherobot avatar
Forked from stevekrouse/forwarder
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Van Plate Example of building html using the mini-van lib. Access it at
iamseeley avatar
Forked from iamseeley/resumeConfig
iamseeley avatar
Forked from iamseeley/resumeConfig
nbbaier avatar
SQLite QueryWriter The QueryWriter class is a utility for generating and executing SQL queries using natural language and OpenAI. It provides a simplified interface for interacting with your Val Town SQLite database and generating SQL queries based on user inputs. This val is inspired by prisma-gpt . PRs welcome! See Todos below for some ideas I have. Usage Import the QueryWriter class into your script: import { QueryWriter } from ""; Create an instance of QueryWriter, providing the desired table and an optional model: const writer = new QueryWriter({ table: "my_table", model: "gpt-4-1106-preview" }); Call the writeQuery() method to generate an SQL query based on a user input string: const userInput = "Show me all the customers with more than $1000 in purchases."; const query = await writer.writeQuery(userInput); Alternatively, use the gptQuery() method to both generate and execute the SQL query: const userInput = "Show me all the customers with more than $1000 in purchases."; const result = await writer.gptQuery(userInput); Handle the generated query or query result according to your application's needs. API new QueryWriter(args: { table: string; model?: string }): QueryWriter Creates a new instance of the QueryWriter class. table : The name of the database table to operate on. model (optional): The model to use for generating SQL queries. Defaults to "gpt-3.5-turbo". apiKey (optional): An OpenAI API key. Defaults to Deno.env.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") . writeQuery(str: string): Promise<string> Generates an SQL query based on the provided user input string. str : The user input string describing the desired query. Returns a Promise that resolves to the generated SQL query. gptQuery(str: string): Promise<any> Generates and executes an SQL query based on the provided user input string. str : The user input string describing the desired query. Returns a Promise that resolves to the result of executing the generated SQL query. Todos [ ] Handle multiple tables for more complex use cases [ ] Edit prompt to allow for more than just SELECT queries [ ] Allow a user to add to the system prompt maybe? [ ] Expand usage beyond just Turso SQLite to integrate with other databases
vladimyr avatar
Forked from pomdtr/lowdb_example
nbbaier avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from pomdtr/lowdb_example
tmcw avatar
Get a DuckDB database This method sets up a duckdb-wasm database that you can then use to store and retrieve data.