Github API examples & templates
Use these vals as a playground to view and fork Github API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
SQLite QueryWriter The QueryWriter class is a utility for generating and executing SQL queries using natural language and OpenAI. It provides a simplified interface for interacting with your Val Town SQLite database and generating SQL queries based on user inputs. This val is inspired by prisma-gpt . PRs welcome! See Todos below for some ideas I have. Usage Import the QueryWriter class into your script: import { QueryWriter } from ""; Create an instance of QueryWriter, providing the desired table and an optional model: const writer = new QueryWriter({ table: "my_table", model: "gpt-4-1106-preview" }); Call the writeQuery() method to generate an SQL query based on a user input string: const userInput = "Show me all the customers with more than $1000 in purchases.";
const query = await writer.writeQuery(userInput); Alternatively, use the gptQuery() method to both generate and execute the SQL query: const userInput = "Show me all the customers with more than $1000 in purchases.";
const result = await writer.gptQuery(userInput); Handle the generated query or query result according to your application's needs. API new QueryWriter(args: { table: string; model?: string }): QueryWriter Creates a new instance of the QueryWriter class. table : The name of the database table to operate on. model (optional): The model to use for generating SQL queries. Defaults to "gpt-3.5-turbo". apiKey (optional): An OpenAI API key. Defaults to Deno.env.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") . writeQuery(str: string): Promise<string> Generates an SQL query based on the provided user input string. str : The user input string describing the desired query. Returns a Promise that resolves to the generated SQL query. gptQuery(str: string): Promise<any> Generates and executes an SQL query based on the provided user input string. str : The user input string describing the desired query. Returns a Promise that resolves to the result of executing the generated SQL query. Todos [ ] Handle multiple tables for more complex use cases [ ] Edit prompt to allow for more than just SELECT queries [ ] Allow a user to add to the system prompt maybe? [ ] Expand usage beyond just Turso SQLite to integrate with other databases
Val Town REST API TypeScript SDK Demos This val demonstrates basic usage of the the Val Town JS/TS SDK. You can fork this val to your account to quickly try it out. Authentication is automatically set by the VAL_TOWN_API_KEY environment
variable, which is automatically set within Val Town. You can control the
API scopes of that key in your val's settings page. Learn more Reference docs
nanoid nanoid is like a shorter, more fashionable alternative to UUIDs. Versus UUIDs: They're shorter, with a more customizable alphabet. They use more different characters by default. Unlike UUIDs, there aren't custom types for nanoids in databases Nanoids never contain information. UUIDs sometimes do: some UUIDs contain timestamps and MAC addresses.
Connect4 agent that uses Monte-Carlo tree search to simulate 10,000 random games from each possible action and pick the one with the highest win rate.
Ported from a version I made in rust.