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US Congress Stock Trading API examples & templates

Use these vals as a playground to view and fork US Congress Stock Trading API examples and templates on Val Town. Run any example below or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution.
stevekrouse avatar
Send yourself an email
webup avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by webup
charlypoly avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by charlypoly
taras avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
curl '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'authorization: Bearer THIS_IS_OVERRIDEN_ON_SERVER' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "model": "auto", "temperature": 0, "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": "stuff" }, { "role": "user", "content": "hello" } ], "stream": true }'
postpostscript avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Auth for Val Town I've developed a collection of vals that lets you sign into HTTP vals who use its middleware (help me name this?) Example Projects You have an HTTP val that is just for you, because it accesses your sqlite or blob storage or any other sensitive function. Install the @postpostscript/authMiddleware.authMiddlewareCookie middleware for zero-config authentication that makes executing the endpoint exclusive to you. Example: @postpostscript/authIdExampleCookiePrivate You have an HTTP val and you want to gate a feature behind a login form while letting anyone access the site. Use that same middleware but disable the token issuer ( iss ) requirement and set the optional option to true . Example: @postpostscript/authIdExampleComments You have an API and you want to lock it down, with specific scopes giving you access to specific endpoints. Use the authMiddlewareToken middleware with the additional middleware @postpostscript/pathAsScope . Example: @postpostscript/apiProxy @postpostscript/sqliteExplorerApp : a fork of @nbbaier/sqliteExplorerApp gated behind authMiddlewareCookie Make a cool project with this? Let me know and I'll add it to the list! How it Works Every user who wants to use this system is required to set up a JWKS endpoint at @handle/jwks (Instructions: @postpostscript/jwks ). This is the foundation for trusted communication between code executed by different Val Town accounts, and is what enables this system Anyone who wants to sign in must fork the @postpostscript/authId val which provides the sign in mechanism just for you . You can modify this to your liking as long as it provides the same outputs (redirecting back to the Client with token and clientToken query string params) with the same inputs (a Client Token) If I want to require authentication for my HTTP val, I need to use middleware to protect the endpoint(s). The simplest of that is @postpostscript/authMiddleware.authMiddlewareCookie , which will provide a login form for the endpoint and pass through the request once a trusted token is stored in the AUTH_ID_TOKEN cookie. By default, the val's owner is the only one who can sign into it. Here's an example JWT Payload that provides access to @example/exampleApp : { "jti": "c63a41c9-13d0-4424-b5b4-4a8ec6002610", "aud": [ "@example/exampleApp", "@postpostscript/authId" ], "scope": "@postpostscript/authId/id", "iss": "@postpostscript/authId", "sub": "@postpostscript/authId", "clientTokenId": "12abb6d0-6c88-4d2f-bb56-88f79a2b4503", "iat": 1709694976, "exp": 1709698576 } This, once the token is verified against the @postpostscript/jwks endpoint , says: I received this auth token from @postpostscript ( iss : @postpostscript/authId ) I have been given permission to act as them ( scope : @postpostscript/authId/id ) I was authenticated at the request of a trusted client ( clientTokenId : 12abb6d0-6c88-4d2f-bb56-88f79a2b4503 ) @example/exampleApp is the only val that should accept this token ( aud : @example/exampleApp ) I have 1 hour to use this token, after that it will not work ( iat and exp ) Here's how I got to this token I navigated to I entered my Val Town username (@postpostscript) I clicked "Go to Your Sign In Page" and was redirected to[...] Since I hadn't verified my identity on my sign in page in an hour, I needed to do that by clicking "Send Sign In Link to My Email" and clicking the link in that email. Now the @postpostscript/authId endpoint knew I was @postpostscript! Next I reviewed the list of scopes @example/exampleApp was requesting. In this case, it was only the required scope of @postpostscript/authId/id , the one proving I am me. In other apps, I may see other scopes that the apps have requested that I can optionally accept I clicked Provide Access to @example/exampleApp and was redirected to[...]&clientToken[...]. If the app is happy with those tokens, I am now authenticated. If it were locked down to only be available to @example, I'd see an error here Next Steps Try it out, give me feedback, and help out with improvements if you'd like! Right now @handle/authId is the only trusted sign-in provider but that's just for simplicity, there could be @handle/authIdV2 or @handle/iamme or @handle/whatever , as long as the outputs are the same I have started working on a permissioned callback system (run someone else's code as you without needing to fork anything) that uses this, but I'm not 100% sure yet how to guarantee that code you have whitelisted has not changed. Either way, that should be coming in the near future! Let me know if you have any ideas for that or anything else! Glossary Scope A permission that has been granted to a token, for example @example/blog/deleteComment or @example/apiProxy/request/v1/*:GET . Vals can self-describe their scopes like this: export const SCOPES = { deleteComment: "lets you delete a comment", "request/v1/*": "makes an API request as you", } Client Token A token @postpostscript/authMiddleware.authMiddlewareCookie generates to represent a sign-in request. It is passed to a user's sign-in page and then passed back afterwards to ensure both parties trust each other Out of the box, @postpostscript/jwks.verify enforces the maximum number of times a token can be validated when the field maxUses is present in its payload. Client Tokens use this to ensure that 1 sign-in request = 1 sign-in attempt, successful or not JWT (JSON Web Token) A key giving permission to the token-holder to do an action JWKS (JSON Web Key Sets) A standard for the public verification of JWTs
iamseeley avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
🎉 A handler to serve your JSON Resume.
ttodosi avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from janpaul123/VALLE
stevekrouse avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from peddi/cronprompt
mjweaver01 avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
PriestGPT Client Client for Ask him about books or verses in the bible, and he will be sure to give you a short sermon about it!
ejfox avatar
* This program creates a basic calculator endpoint that accepts and returns data in the specified format. * It uses a RESTful API approach where the operation is specified in the URL path. * The numbers to operate on are passed as query parameters. * The result is returned as JSON.
stevekrouse avatar
begoon avatar
This val default exports a function returning ValInfo. The val information comes from the Deno stack trace induced by throw new Error() . type ValInfo = { stack: string[]; // mostly for debugging endpoint: string; // val endpoint URL, empty if it is not an HTTP val user: string; // user name name: string; // val name }; Here is an example program: import thisval from ""; const val = thisval(); export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> { return Response.json(val); } when invoked, it returns: { "stack": [ "Error", " at info (", " at" ], "endpoint": "", "user": "begoon", "name": "thisvaltest" }
inkpotmonkey avatar
Example copied into You will need to fork this and properly set the apiKey and organisation for it to work.
nate avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by nate
iamseeley avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from iamseeley/resumeHandler
maxm avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by maxm