
GraphQL Yoga Server with Subscriptions

GraphQL Yoga from The Guild is a batteries-included cross-platform GraphQL over HTTP spec-compliant GraphQL server powered by Envelop and GraphQL Tools focused on easy setup, performance and great developer experience.


Example of Subscriptions.


To access GraphiQL - the GraphQL Playground - visit the / route. That's what you see in the preview pane below.

Configuration and Documentation

See the GraphQL Yoga documentation for configuration and all the bells and whistles.


For this example, we'll set to / to make it easier to demo.

However, by default, the GraphQL route is configured to be on /graphql which is more common.

const yoga = createYoga({ schema, })

You can set a custom endpoint:

const yoga = createYoga({ schema, graphqlEndpoint: "/my-gql", })

Landing Page

A landing page is shown be default whenever a 404 is hit.

You can disable it via the landingPage option.

const yoga = createYoga({ schema, landingPage: false })
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