Public vals
Use the tail of the path to specify the slideshow URL. Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate. The slideshow file format is: seconds-to-show URL-to-show Here's a set of example slides. The tail of the URL points to the plain text slide list at If your slides are blocked due to the domain, you could serve them somewhere besides
An easy way to do that while still using a github repo is to embed the slides directly into an HTML page.
You could use Github Pages or to serve that.
* This val creates a QR code scanner using the device's camera.
* It uses the jsQR library to decode QR codes from video frames.
* The app displays the scanned QR code content and additional information.
* We'll use the following approach:
* 1. Set up a video element to capture camera feed
* 2. Use canvas to process video frames
* 3. Use jsQR to decode QR codes from the frames
* 4. Display the QR code content and additional information
* 5. Add extensive debugging to identify issues
This val provides a way of readily having lots of different Slack bots that do different things and support different Slack workspaces without needing a bunch of Val Town accounts. If you only need a single bot on a single workspace, just go with the approach in the Val Town docs . This bot is essentially the one described in the Val Town docs , but without any of the details. Those are externalized by the SlackConfig and SlackFunction interfaces. It is just glue. In order to make it work, you will need the following additional glue: a public HTTP val to handle requests like this one a private val to supply any info missing from the public one like this one Actually, those could both be public or all in the same val, but the whole point of this scheme is to allow you to hide anything you want.