

Joined July 1, 2024
Public vals
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HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from dglazkov/googlenews
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HTTP (deprecated)
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by dglazkov
dglazkov avatar
A simple chat app harness for your board Provides a very simple chat app UI for a Breadboard board. For now, requires you to be running a board server. This harness actually acts as a proxy to the board server run API endpoint , and puts a nice (well, somewhat nice) frontend on top of it. The frontend is somewhat limited in what it can show, currently supporting only LLMContent and array of LLMContent outputs, and only LLMContent array input. The script will look for the BB_LIVE_KEY in your Val Town environment, which must contain your board server API key. To use, create an HTTP val, then import the proxy function from this script and call it like this: import { proxy } from "https://esm.town/v/dglazkov/bbrun"; export default proxy( "url-to-the-board.bgl.json", );
dglazkov avatar
A simple Discord Bot scaffolding, a slight rev on the one in the valtown guide . The discordBot function takes in an object where each key is a Discord command and the value is a function to handle the command. If the function returns a Promise , it will be handled as a deferred interaction with a followup message . Usage: import { discordBot } from "https://esm.town/v/dglazkov/discordBot"; const echo = async (data) => { await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 5000)); return { type: 4, data: { content: data.data.options[0].value, }, }; }; export default discordBot({ ping: () => ({ type: 4, data: { content: `Pong! It is ${new Date()}`, }, }) echo, });
dglazkov avatar
A helper to create an HTTP endpoint that conforms to the Breadboard Service Endpoint (BSE) protocol. See https://www.val.town/v/dglazkov/googlenews for sample usage. For more information, see Breadboard service node .
dglazkov avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from dglazkov/generatevoice
dglazkov avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
An example of using Breadboard Board as a Service helper script. The board converts supplied text and voice into speech using Eleven Labs API. This board is marked as private , which means that it requires an additional service key to function. To use: fork this val add GEMINI_KEY to your environment variables add ELEVENLABS_API_KEY to your environment variables add BB_SERVICE_KEY to your environment variables. You can use this val to generate it. query directly or use as Service URL in the Core Kit service node.
dglazkov avatar
Breadboard As a Service A simple board runner that allows hosting board as a service. The service can be public (accessible to everyone) or private (locked behind a service key). See chatbot example for a public service and generatevoice for private. Make sure to add all the necessary secrets to your environment variables. The resulting HTTP endpoint can be then used as a Service URL for Core Kit's service node.
dglazkov avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Since Qdrant Cloud has a fairly strict CORS policy, here's a simple val that proxies calls to Qdrant Cloud API and makes them accessible from Web apps. To set up: fork this val add your QDRANT_API_KEY to your environment variables. This would limit usage of your proxy to your API key only. start using val as a proxy Use it as a 1:1 replacement for Qdrant API, except for one additional query string parameter: cluster_id -- the part of the Qdrant API endpoint before cloud.qdrant.io .
dglazkov avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
A sample implementation of Breadboard Service Endpoint (BSE) protocol. For more information, see Breadboard service node .