Public vals

Glide API 2.0: Bulk Import You can fork this Val to implement your own bulk import to Glide. Glide's high-performance bulk import API can load millions of rows
into Big Tables. It's designed for importing your business data
into Glide on a regular schedule (e.g. nightly). We designed this API for customers who regularly import tens of
thousands of rows or more to Glide using tools like Make. Our goal
was to make this process more efficient and less expensive. Note: This API is currently free to use. Future usage will cost
approximately 1 update per 10k rows.

Glide API 2.0 Effects and utility functions for working with Glide API 2.0. Authentication Set glide environment variable to authenticate. If using effect, you can also provide a layer constructed with Glide.layer . Examples Simplest case, use runIngest with an async fetch : import * as Glide from "";
await Glide.importTable({
table: "abc123-def456-ghi789",
getRows: async function*() {
// yield Row[] to add them to the stash
yield [{ Name: "David" }];
}); Load 20k pull requests: import * as Glide from "";
await Glide.importTable({
table: "abc123-def456-ghi789",
getRows: async function*() {
const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: "..." });
for await (
const { data: prs } of octokit.paginate.iterator(, {
owner: "glideapps",
repo: "glide",
state: "all"
) yield prs;